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FNProgramvare StampCat v9.10

Мощная программа для хранения базы данных, которая помогает вам упорядочить информацию о своей коллекции марок. StampCAT сделает мониторинг коллекции, укажет место хранения и выведет стоимость коллекции. Программа проста в применении. StampCAT позволит детализировать информацию по вашему усмотрению: страна, номер каталога, дата выпуска, дизайн, сюжет, цвет, перфорация, состояние, водные знаки, почтовые марки (тип, город, дата), место нахождения, цена, рыночная стоимость, комментарии и многое другое.
Особенностью программы является наличие гибкого поиска, выведение отчета, более 50 различных форматов отчета, pop-up меню, навигация, и всесторонняя он-лайн статистика одним кликом.

StampCAT is a powerful database program that helps you maintain an inventory of your stamp collection. StampCAT will help you monitor what you have, where it is, and the total value of your collection. StampCAT is easy to use. You can start cataloging your collection right away. The StampCAT windows have comprehensive sets of entry fields, enabling you to register information as detailed as you want: country, catalog number, face value, date of issue, design, topic, color, perforation, condition, watermark, postmark (type, city and date), purchase date, location, price, market value, quantity, comments, and more.

• Store information about an unlimited number of stamps.
• Adapt the program to your own needs: Change the data field names to suit your personal preferences. Hide data fields you don't need. Specify your own categories. Split your collection into different catalogs and transfer information between them.
• Save time: Register most information, such as country and catalog, only once.
• Comprehensive set of data fields enabling you to catalog a wide range of information: country, catalog number, face value, date of issue, design, topic, color, perforation, condition, watermark, postmark (type, city and date), purchase date, location, price, market value, quantity, and more.
• 14 custom data fields (in case we have missed something).
• Add personal notes.
• Store stamp images.
• Use StampCAT Explorer to browse your collection.
• Find information quickly: Search in all fields with any combination of key words and operators (and, or, etc.). Save your most frequently used searches. Use filters to display only selected data (for example, stamps that are for sale).
• Use the search and replace function to search for a specific word or number and replace it with another.
• Sort data by any field with up to five sort levels.
• Create your own reports with exactly the layout you want, or use one of the more than 50 pre-defined reports. You have full control of data fields, groups, sort order, columns, fonts, colors, paper size, margins and print orientation.
• Preview reports on screen before printing. Save reports in virtually any file format: Adobe Acrobat, Excel, HTML, JPEG, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro, or RTF.
• Archive reports - store report output so that it can be previewed and printed later, without re-accessing the data from which the report was generated. While archiving is very useful for maintaining historical records, it can also be used as a method of report distribution.
• Use the HTML Generator to quickly generate documents to be published on the Internet.
• Analyze your collection in a variety of ways with the statistics module.
• Export data to ASCII text files to bring the information into other applications.
• Backup your valuable data with the backup/restore module.
• Microsoft Access database format. Offers you an alternative way to view and search your database.

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15 декабря 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 675  Комментарии: 0  

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