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Movie Label 2010

Movie Label 2010 - каталогизатор огромных коллекций видео. Является одной из лучших программ-каталогизаторов. Фактически все, что требуется от пользователя, – это указать названия имеющихся у него фильмов. Получив задание, программа автоматически свяжется с онлайновой базой данных и загрузит доступную там информацию – начиная с обложки официального DVD и заканчивая кастингом, кратким содержанием фильма, его форматом и длительностью. Ну а если вы считаете полученные сведения неполными, всегда есть возможность вручную отредактировать информацию или добавить собственное мнение и оценку ленты. Интерфейс Movie Label оставляет только приятные впечатления, а продуманная система «проката» не позволит потерять ценный фильм.

With more than 10 years of experience in creating collection software; Code|Aero Technologies now offers Movie Label. This cutting edge software contains powerful functionality but is very easy to use. It enables you to catalog your entire movie collection (DVD, VHS, Blu-ray, HD DVD, movies on your harddrive, etc).

What can Movie Label do for you ?

* Get your whole collection organized in no time. Simply type titles or scan barcodes and all information about your movies and TV-series is automatically downloaded.
* Find those golden oldies with the powerful yet easy-to-use search engine.
* Save money by not purchasing duplicate movies and by keeping track of DVDs on loan.
* Get the full picture of your collection with statistics and reports.
* Catalog any kind of media ranging from DVD and Blu-ray to Divx movies on your hard drive, or even VHS if you still have those. You can even add your own media types, making Movie Label future proof.
* See your collection with whole new eyes and learn new things about your movies by reading the downloaded trivia.
* Export your collection and save it on your mobile device to carry it along at all times. Movie Label exports to a variety of formats.

What information is downloaded ?

The following info is downloaded when available:
* Media: Cover Art, Trailer link
* Lists: Cast, Crew, Genres, Audio Formats, Languages, Subtitles, Aspect Ratios, TV-series episodes (including plot etc for each episode)
* Info: Title, Original Title, Plot, Tagline, Studio, Release Date, Certification, Country, Rating, Trivia (fun facts), etc..
* The above and more is downloaded. Apart from the downloaded information you can add a lot of info: Last Watched, Special Features, Rating, Price, Location, Website, etc..

Are there any limits to the product ?

Movie Label is a very mature product that uses a powerful database engine. This sets it apart from other products in the category.

* There is no limit to the number of databases you can keep. So keep one database for each family member if you wish.
* There is no limit to the size of each database and the product wont get slow even after adding thousands of movies.
* Movie Label is built from the ground up to support Unicode so you can use characters from any part of the world.

Quick Facts
* Quickly get your movie library organized by typing the title or barcode.
* Catalog any type of media (DVD, Blu-ray, VHS, LD, Divx, etc).
* Scan your hard drive to find movie files and add them to your collection.
* Keep track of movies on loan with the built-in loan manager.
* Search and sort your collection with one click.
* Print reports and watch a variety of statistics.
* Export to various formats (HTML, XML, PDF, Excel, etc)
* Keep a list of wanted and ordered items.
* Create any number of databases of any size.

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27 июня 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 566  Комментарии: 0  

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