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Софт → 7 Alienware x64x86 (EN/RU) 2010

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7 Alienware x64x86 (EN/RU) 2010

Windows Se7en Alienware – Сборка от известной релиз группы Rockers Team, построена на основе Оригинальной Английской версии Windows 7 Ultimate (x64/x86).
Диск предназначен прежде всего, для чистой установки. Полностью автоматический процесс установки, встроенный пакет драйверов, обновлений, быстрая, а так
же стабильная работа системы, красивый дизайн

- New Windows Sounds
- Added Alienware touchpad drivers
- 7-zip for extraction purpose.
- Adobe Flash Player plugin
- Adobe Flash Player ActiveX
- Registry boosted up
- More Stable and Reliable
- UAC Disabled
- New Look for Windows Media Player
- New Shortcut Arrows
- New set of icons
- New Alienware theme 1 and Alienware theme 2
- Added Registry control in Control panel
- Added My computer in Control panel
- Added user directory in Control panel
- Added Libraries in Control panel
- Added Windows switcher in Control panel
- Added Network in Control panel
- Added Internet explorer in Control panel
- Added Group policy in Control panel
- Added Recycle Bin in Control panel
- Added User Account 2 in Control panel
- Enabled Font smoothing
- Enabled all desktop icons
- Enabled startpanel off
- Enabled show windows live
- Enabled Bluetooth taskbar icon
- Increased Menu display speed
- Screensaver time setout in 1 Min and default screensaver as Photscreensaver
- Enabled Lowlevel Hooks timeout
- Enabled hidden wallpapers and themes
- Enabled Welcome center
- Enabled Auto Endtask
- Enabled Administrative tools on start Menu
- Enabled Run on start menu
- Taskbar set to the mode - combine when taskbar is full
- Power button action is set to shutdown
- Enabled Display on My computer
- Enabled Show Desktop in explorer context menu
- Enabled Programes and Features on My computer
- Enabled Administrative Tools on My computer
- Enabled Backup and Restore on My computer
- Enabled Device Manager on My computer
- Enabled Windows Firewall on My computer
- Enabled Mobility Center on My computer
- Enabled Windows Update on My computer
- Enabled Search on My computer
- Enabled Regional Language on My computer
- Enabled NetWork and Sharing Center on My computer
- Enabled Run on My computer
- Enabled Folder Options on My computer
- Enabled Copy to, Move to, Grant Admin permission, Open with notepad, Open in New window, Disk cleanup, Defragment Analysis, Defragment this drive,
- Enabled Register and unregister DLL
- Added Device Manager, Cascading Menu shorcuts, God mode, Group policy, MS-config, services, Registry editor in my computer context menu
- Shows Hidden files, Folders and operating system files
- Shows hidden drives with no media
- Shows file extensions
- Disabled Windows defender
- Disabled low disk space warning
- Enabled powerdown after shutdown
- Command window text color set to Red
- Enabled Autorestart in the even of BSOD
- Shows search on start menu
- Disabled beep sound
- Enabled maximum speed for mouse pointer
- Enabled UXtheme patch
- Minimized number of recent items to display in jump list to 10
- Enabled Avalon effects
- Enabled Windows dreamscenes
- Enabled slow motion windows effects
- Enabled thick window frame
- Enabled IE phishing filter
- Disabled background sound in IE
- Default search page as Google
- Enabled save session history of IE
- Enabled use of cleartype
- Enabled maximum number of downloads to 20
- Disabled welcome page
- Java runtime environment update 20
- DirectX updated upto February 2010
- Mozilla Firefox
- VLC Media player
- CCleaner
- Added Easy shorcuts for desktop context menu
- FIX: Misrepresent a system action or behavior without user knowledge
- FIX: Remote Attacker Denial of Service
- Resolved Issues caused by daylight saving time
- Support Secure Digital (SD) cards larger than 32 GB
- Resolved issues with non-compatible applications
- Added Graphics card tweaker for both ATI and Nvidia
- RT Registry tweaker Features:(Unlock taskbar, use small icons, Disable Aero peek, Disable Aero snap, Disable Minimize animations, Disable taskbar animations, Add all kind of shortcuts to my computer, Disable Hibernation, Diskable Windows updates, Disable Windows firewall and other many useful tweaks from RT Registry tweaker)

- New Windows Sounds
- Added Alienware gamepad drivers
- Added Alienware Bluetooth drivers
- 7-zip for extraction purpose.
- Adobe Flash Player plugin
- Adobe Flash Player ActiveX
- Registry boosted up
- More Stable and Reliable
- UAC Disabled
- New Look for Windows Media Player
- New Shortcut Arrows
- New set of icons
- New Alienware theme 1 and Alienware theme 2
- Added Registry control in Control panel
- Added My computer in Control panel
- Added user directory in Control panel
- Added Libraries in Control panel
- Added Windows switcher in Control panel
- Enabled Show Desktop in explorer context menu
- Added Network in Control panel
- Added Internet explorer in Control panel
- Added Group policy in Control panel
- Added Recycle Bin in Control panel
- Added User Account 2 in Control panel
- Enabled Font smoothing
- Enabled all desktop icons
- Enabled startpanel off
- Enabled show windows live
- Enabled Bluetooth taskbar icon
- Increased Menu display speed
- Screensaver time setout in 1 Min and default screensaver as Photscreensaver
- Enabled Lowlevel Hooks timeout
- Enabled hidden wallpapers and themes
- Enabled Welcome center
- Enabled Auto Endtask
- Enabled Administrative tools on start Menu
- Enabled Run on start menu
- Taskbar set to the mode - combine when taskbar is full
- Power button action is set to shutdown
- Enabled Display on My computer
- Enabled Programes and Features on My computer
- Enabled Administrative Tools on My computer
- Enabled Backup and Restore on My computer
- Enabled Device Manager on My computer
- Enabled Windows Firewall on My computer
- Enabled Mobility Center on My computer
- Enabled Windows Update on My computer
- Enabled Search on My computer
- Enabled Regional Language on My computer
- Enabled NetWork and Sharing Center on My computer
- Enabled Run on My computer
- Enabled Folder Options on My computer
- Enabled Copy to, Move to, Grant Admin permission, Open with notepad, Open in New window, Disk cleanup, Defragment Analysis, Defragment this drive,
- Enabled Register and unregister DLL
- Added Device Manager, Cascading Menu shorcuts, God mode, Group policy, MS-config, services, Registry editor in my computer context menu
- Shows Hidden files, Folders and operating system files
- Shows hidden drives with no media
- Shows file extensions
- Disabled Windows defender
- Disabled low disk space warning
- Enabled powerdown after shutdown
- Command window text color set to Red
- Enabled Autorestart in the even of BSOD
- Shows search on start menu
- Disabled beep sound
- Enabled maximum speed for mouse pointer
- Enabled UXtheme patch
- Minimized number of recent items to display in jump list to 10
- Enabled Avalon effects
- Enabled Windows dreamscenes
- Enabled slow motion windows effects
- Enabled thick window frame
- Enabled IE phishing filter
- Disabled background sound in IE
- Default search page as Google
- Enabled save session history of IE
- Enabled use of cleartype
- Enabled maximum number of downloads to 20
- Disabled welcome page
- Java runtime environment update 20
- DirectX updated upto February 2010
- Mozilla Firefox
- VLC Media player
- CCleaner
- Added Easy shorcuts for desktop context menu
- FIX: Misrepresent a system action or behavior without user knowledge
- FIX: Remote Attacker Denial of Service
- Resolved Issues caused by daylight saving time
- Support Secure Digital (SD) cards larger than 32 GB
- Resolved issues with non-compatible applications
- Added Graphics card tweaker for both ATI and Nvidia
- RT Registry tweaker Features: (Unlock taskbar, use small icons, Disable Aero peek, Disable Aero snap, Disable Minimize animations, Disable taskbar animations, Add all kind of shortcuts to my computer, Disable Hibernation, Diskable Windows updates, Disable Windows firewall and other many useful tweaks from RT Registry tweaker)

Контрольные суммы:

MD5 - 78cbb2d0e2a87c9dc3801de72d8e45f0
SHA1 - d6c0ef691e28b240a9a8a528a177a4925618a88b
CRC32 - 28d8980a


MD5 - 4b777fc1ef32eaa3771be090c0216a2f
SHA1 - 50613c2d758895bc1b563415e2786ba2140a5ed7
CRC32 - d22e8477


7 Alienware x64x86 (EN/RU) 2010 7 Alienware x64x86 (EN/RU) 2010

7 Alienware x64x86 (EN/RU) 2010 7 Alienware x64x86 (EN/RU) 2010

Название: 7
Версия: Alienware x64x86 2010
Лицензия: Other
Операционая система: Windows
Язык: Английский+Русский языковой пакет
Всё включено
Размер: 6.63 Gb

7 Alienware x64x86 (EN/RU) 2010

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7 Alienware x64x86 (EN/RU) 2010

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26 июня 2010    Добавил: celovek11   Просмотров: 603  Комментарии: 0  

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