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Beauty Wizard 3.3

Используя Beauty Wizard вы можете: просматривать модные прически; динамично менять цвет причесок; настраивать прическу для каждого лица; добавлять новые прически; менять цвет глаз; применять различные тени и цвет помады; менять форму лица; экспортировать и печатать подготовленные картинки; работать с графическими форматами: BMP, JPG, TIF, PCX, GIF. Поддерживает TWAIN – совместимые сканеры и цифровые камеры; обменивайтесь изображениями с другими приложениями с помощью буфера обмена.

Are you looking for a whole new look? Before deciding to take a chance, use the software Beauty Wizard to try out a large selection of many hairstyles (short, medium, long, special and men's), which can be colored dynamically. The program also helps you choose colors for contact lenses, lipstick, shades and blushes. How does Beauty Wizard work? - to input the face image in the program directly, you can use a web or digital camera, connected with your computer. You can also input the image scanned from a photo. If you have not such devices, you could beg a friend or consultant to do it. Then all you have to do is to use the user friendly interface of the program. All features and control are described in detail in the program help.

Beauty Wizard has a lifetime guarantee
The periodic software upgrades and enhancements will automatically let you know and try all the latest hair style ideas!
Shows you with fashionable hair style ideas
You can change color of hairstyles dynamically
Customizes hundreds of different hair style ideas to your face
Adds new hairstyles
It allows you to change color of eyes and face complexion
With Beauty Wizard you can apply instantly different lipstick, lipliner and shades to your face picture
You can export and print the completed pictures
Beauty Wizard works with common image formats: BMP, JPG, TIF, PCX, GIF
It can exchange images with another applications by clipboard.

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31 октября 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 683  Комментарии: 0  

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