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PC Tools Internet Security Suite 2009

PC Tools Internet Security Suite 2009 предлагает эффективный набор защиты от спама, вирусов и незаконных вторжений. Обнаруживает, перемещает и блокирует все виды вирусов, троянов, хакерских атак, незаконных вторжений и прочих угроз безопасности. Бесплатная поддержка для всех пользователей, частые обновления всегда защитят от появившихся новых угроз. Защита от хакеров, вторжений и соединений с неавторизованным ПО. В состав PC Tools Internet Security входит защита как от вирусов так и от вредоносных атак, программа отвечае Spyware Doctor.

PC Tools Internet Security combines the award-winning security technologies from PC Tools, including Spyware Doctor AntiSpyware, AntiVirus, Firewall Plus and Spam protection, to provide complete integrated protection for your PC.
PC Tools Internet Security Suite 2009 provides protection against: Spyware, Adware, Trojans, Viruses, Worms, Keyloggers, Identity Theft, Hijackers, Tracking Threats, Rogue Anti-Spyware, Unwanted Software, Phishing, Popups, Hackers and Bad Websites.

Don't compromise your security with second best!

* PC Tools Internet Security Suite 2009 offers powerful anti-spyware, anti-virus, firewall and spam protection in one application.
* Detects, removes and blocks all types of spyware, adware, viruses, Trojans, worms, keyloggers and other online threats.
* FREE friendly suport for all customers.
* Frequent updates ensure that you are always protected against the latest known threats.
* Protection from hackers, intruders and other unauthorized software or network attacks.
* Spam filtering for protection against unsolicited email.
* Intelligent automatic protection makes it simple to use for novices but configurable enough for expert users.

* Easy one-click design.
PC Tools Internet Security provides a streamlined user interface that is simple and easy to use. The individual components of PC Tools Internet Security are integrated into the home screen and can be quickly activated and configured with just one-click. This smart design gives you easy access to manage the security settings of your computer.

* Anti-malware
Protection against both spyware and viruses.
o Anti-Spyware & Anti-Virus - Provides advanced malware protection that combines the award-winning technology from PC Tools’ Spyware Doctor with comprehensive anti-virus protection. The Anti-Spyware feature offers protection for your computer against identity theft, stealthy spyware, aggressive adware, browser hijackers, malicious ActiveX objects, malware Trojans, tracking cооkiеs, keyloggers, dialers, and other malware. While the Anti-Virus feature protects your computer from viruses, worms, Trojan horse threats, and other malicious infections.
o Real-time protection - PC Tools Internet Security provides constant protection against malware through its OnGuard feature. OnGuard constantly monitors your computer for malicious behavior involving spyware processes, tracking cооkiеs, malicious ActiveX objects, browser hijackers, keyloggers, Trojans and more. OnGuard works by blocking all these threats before they can install on your computer and cause any harm.
o On-Demand scanning to clean infected computers - By running an Intelli-Scan, Full Scan or Custom Scan PC Tools Internet Security will inspect your computer for all types of spyware and virus infections. The unique, patent-pending spider scanning technology works intelligently by using a combination of signature and behavioral scanning techniques to quickly and effectively identify spyware threats. The unique Intelli-Scan™ feature is specifically designed to hunt swiftly and kill active running spyware threats. Intelli-Scan completes in as little as 3 minutes1, accredited to the intuitive and patent-pending spider scanning technology.
o Advanced Rootkit detection - PC Tools Internet Security is capable of detecting and removing hidden processes associated with complex threats and rootkits. Using behavioral techniques rootkits and other items that attempt to hide themselves are easily detected and removed.
o Email Guard protects your computer from threats delivered via email - Email Guard provides protection against, and instantly removes, spyware and viruses being sent or received via e-mails. All popular e-mail applications (such as Outlook Express™, Eudora® & Netscape® Mail and Thunderbird) that use POP, IMAP or SMTP are supported by Email Guard.
o Site Guard protects your computer while browsing – Site Guard provides advanced protection against potential malicious websites and phishing attacks where dangerous site are masquerading as legitimate eCommerce sites.

* Anti-Spam
Advanced Detection of unsolicited junk e-mails in your mailbox.
o Supports popular e-mail clients - Anti-Spam is designed to work with a range of popular email clients including all recent versions of Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Mozilla Mail and Eudora (for POP3 & IMAP).
o Adaptive and automated behavioral filtering technology - Using intuitive behavioral (Bayesian) technology to filter spam, Anti-Spam can be trained to automatically identify spam e-mails. The filter technology identifies spam e-mail with increasing precision as it is exposed to a greater number and range of spam e-mails.
o Automated white-list for e-mails or domains - The Automatic Friends List feature can be configured to automatically white-list email or IP addresses from which you receive emails on a frequent basis. White-listed e-mails and IP addresses are those which Anti-Spam marks as safe and will never be marked as spam.
o Customizable settings for fine-tuning spam detection - Anti-Spam includes a number of customizable settings for the advanced user, such as the white and black lists, which can be configured to enhance and fine-tune its ability to identify spam.

Other customizations include:
+ A local Friends List (white list) and Block List (black list) for both email and IP addresses
+ Real-time Blacklists, allowing the selection of various lists which contain IP addresses that are known sources of spam
+ Blacklisted Countries, providing the ability to black-list countries whose servers send you more spam than legitimate email messages.

* Firewall
Advanced protection against network intruders
o Smart Application Rules - The Firewall component incorporates a set of smart application rules which allow you to create a behavior-based set of rules that control how applications connect to the Internet and networks.
o Stealth Mode protection - This feature within the Firewall causes your computer to appear invisible to other computers in the network. When in Stealth Mode, your computer is able to make connections to other computers in the network, but Firewall will prevent other computers from connecting with yours.
o Data validation using SPI (stateful packet inspection) - Firewall validates data using stateful packet inspection (SPI) in which it performs a protocol handshake and if successful, allows data transfer. Otherwise all traffic is blocked ensuring no unauthorized data is transferred onto your computer.
o Software Application protection - Firewall offers protection to your software applications by guarding them against unauthorized access. Enabling this option will shield applications on your computer from unauthorized attempts to take control of them and potentially use them for malicious purposes.

Additional Features:
* Automatic Smart Updates - Frequent updates to detect and guard against new threats and viruses as well as provide enhancements to Internet Security are automatically accessed through the Smart Update function.
* Scheduler tool to automate regular scanning and updates - The Scheduler within PC Tools Internet Security allows you to schedule scans or Smart Updates at specified times and intervals. These actions can be conducted in the background and also set to begin only when your CPU usage is below a specified level to ensure minimal impact on your computer performance.

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11 июня 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 762  Комментарии: 0  

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