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Софт → AVG Internet Security 9.0.697 Build 1729 Multilingual

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AVG Internet Security 9.0.697 Build 1729 Multilingual

AVG Internet Security - мощный пакет приложений компании Grisoft для защиты компьютера от всевозможных сетевых угроз: вирусов, червей, троянов, шпионского и рекламного обеспечений, хакеров и спама. В AVG Internet Security входят модули: Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Spam и Firewall. Программа проста в использовании, имеет возможность автоматического обновления через Интернет и работы по расписанию. Совместима с Windows Vista и обладает главными антивирусными сертификатами: VB100%, ICSA, West Coast Labs Checkmark.

AVG Internet Security - Anti virus,Anti-Spam, LinkScanner & Firewall. Comprehensive protection for your computer! This award-winning product gives you unbeatable Internet security by protecting against viruses, spyware, hackers, spam and malicious websites. AVG Internet Security is a reliable and easy-to-use solution for home and small office users which is trusted by millions of users worldwide. Unique Internet security thanks to new technology - Only AVG gives you real-time protection against malicious websites thanks to our new LinkScanner technology. Comprehensive protection for Windows against all online threats from the world's most trusted security company. Use the Internet with confidence in your home or small office.

- Easy to download, install and use
- Protection against all Internet threats
- Real-time security while you surf and chat online
- Top-quality protection that does not slow your system down
- Free support and service around the clock and across the globe
- Compatible with Windows Vista and Windows XP

All-in-one protection
* Anti-Virus: protection against viruses, worms and trojans
* Anti-Spyware: protection against spyware, adware and identity-theft
* Anti-Rootkit: protection against hidden threats (rootkits)
* Anti-Spam: filters out unwanted and fraudulent e-mails (anti-phishing)
* Web Shield & LinkScanner: protection against malicious websites
* Firewall: protection against hackers
* System Tools: for easy system management

Easy-to-use, automated protection
Real-time protection, automatic updates, low-impact background scanning for online threats, and instant quarantining or removal of infected files ensures maximum protection. Every interaction between your computer and the Internet is monitored, so nothing can get onto your system without your knowledge. AVG scans in real time:
* All files including documents, pictures and applications
* E-mails (all major email programs like MS Outlook and Thunderbird supported)
* Instant messaging and P2P communications
* File downloads and online transactions such as shopping and banking
* Search results and any other links you click on

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24 октября 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 687  Комментарии: 0  

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