Скачать бесплатно Windows Vista Ultimate Unattended Lite Build 1 - 32 Bit
Загрузочный диск с полностью автоматизированой установкой.Устанавливаем систему в течении 15 минут и пользуемся.Не нужны активационные ключи они все уже прописаны.
Minimum System Requirement : 800 Mhz Processor, 256 MB RAM ( 512 Recommended Though, will run nice on 512 MB ,better than full Vista ) 4 GB free HDD space ( for vista installation only ), compatible graphics card if u want AERO theme working ( how ever a patch is appied to force AERO to run on unsupported Graphics Card, havent tested it though.),
Installation: Installation is Fully Automated. Only one thing you will have to select is your Partition, rather than it..u wont need to select product key,language, or any other selection. Just set back and wait till 15 mins. you will see desktop within few mins. You have to make new installation. upgrade option is not available.
Genuine Validation Crack: You Wont need to find crack to activate and validate your copy. caz it will be already validated when you see your desktop. setup will crack it automatically during setup. you wont need to crack manually.
New Looks : Due to space limitation, i have changed only logon screen to new one. but it is damn nice.
Tweaks: 1. I have included following registry tweaks within it. 2. Windows will tell you exactly what it is doing when it is shutting down or is booting ( you can see it on logon screen ) 3. Added command prompt to right click context menu 4. Disabled User Account Control ( UAC) [ you can enable this from control panel later. ] 5. Add "Explore from here" context menu while right clicking on folders 6. Gt rid of the Windows Mail splash screen 7. Show Super Hidden Files in vista 8. Maximum simultaneous downloads for IE to 20 ( default is 2 ) 9. Enable ClearType Tuning 10. Added 'Copy to Folder' and 'Move to Folder' to right click context menu 11. Added 'open with notepad' to right context 12. Disabled Windows Media Player AutoUpdates 12. Added "Advanced System Properties" to right-click on Computer 13. Faster browsing with IE
Removed Components : as this version is made for slower PCs and to fit it on 700 MB CD, i have removed following components from original Copy of Vista Ultimate # Accessories # Accessibility Mobility Center Speech Support Welcome Center # Drivers # printers, modems & scanners Graphics ,sound and ethernet drivers are still included. # Games # all games removed # Hardware Support # Fax Support Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) Smartcards # Languages # Japanese Korean Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese # Multimedia # Media Center Movie and DVD Maker Screensavers SideShow Sound Recorder Wallpapers ( some wallpapers are remained yet) Windows Calendar Windows Media Codecs Windows Media Samples Windows Photo Gallery ( Photo viewer still there ) # Network # Connect to a Network Projector Internet Information Services Remote Desktop and Assistance Remote Desktop Client Windows Collaboration # Services # Error Reporting Microsoft DFS Replication Offline Files Windows Remote Management Windows Search ( this doesnt mean you cant search files and folders.) # System # BitLocker Drive Encryption Help ( you will able to get online help though ) Microsoft Agent Natural Language Parental Controls Performance Counters Reliability and Performance Monitor Security Center Tablet PC Windows Backup Windows Defender ( useless ) Windows Easy Transfer Windows SAT ( windows System Assesment tools, system rating wont be available for your system ) Zip Folder
Notes: Few notes which you will need to know are here.. 1. Auto admin logon is enabled, so u will be logged on as admin but 3 times only. after 3 time auto admin login, if u have created any other account on ur PC, then it will be displayed while logging in. so u can select one of them to login . and if u wont create any other account , then it will continue to login as admin infinite time. 2. Due to Removal of System Assesment Tools ( Win SAT ) which tests system performance on first logon and enables/disables AERO theme according to your system, AERO theme wont start automatically even if you have supported graphics. you Have to select AERO theme manually ( ie. transparency and flip effects. ) Right click - presonalize - window color and appearance - windows aero - ok.
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