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Софт → Ace Utilities 4.2.0 Build 457

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Ace Utilities 4.2.0 Build 457

Ace Utilities - набор утилит, предназначенных для настройки операционных систем семейства Windows. Программа включает утилиты для поддержания Вашей системы в "отличной форме". Программа позволяет отобразить полный список загружаемых компонентов, может чистить реестр и удалять ненужные файлы с дисков, имеется возможность поиска дубликатов файлов, удаления логов и мертвых ссылок.

Ace Utilities is an award winning collection of tools to optimize your PC's performance. It allows you to find and remove the junk files in your PC, invalid registry entries, delete your internet usage history, provides plug-in support to erase the usage history for over 200 third-party applications, manage your cооkiеs and much more. With a detailed startup- manager you can see what all programs, services, drivers, etc start automatically with Windows and optionally disable them. Furthermore, Ace Utilities also includes options to find true duplicate files, fix or remove broken shortcuts and to uninstall software completely. Other features include secure file deletion, disk space analysis, an empty-folder finder and more.

- The most advanced registry cleaner to clean windows registry.
- Clean unneeded junk, temp and obsolete files from your disks using disk cleaner.
- Clean browser and application history, cache, temp files, cооkiеs etc.
- Control the applications that start automatically with Windows, using startup organizer.
- Fix broken start menu and desktop shortcuts.
- Remove true duplicate files.
- Uninstall applications correctly.
- Two modes - expert and normal.
- User friendly, stable and safe.
- Much more utilities...

- Optimize, speed up and cleanup your system.
- Prevent application crashes.
- Load windows faster.
- Run applications smoothly.
- Protect your privacy and security.
- Regain disk space.
- Block spyware, trojans, adware,etc.
- Fix certain application errors.
- No need to spend too much time, do it ultra fast.
- Understand your computer better.
- Maintain your system like new.
- Runs much more quickly than others in its class, very safe

Лекарство в архиве.
Размер: 2.61 Mb

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14 августа 2008    Добавил: edikbirnt   Просмотров: 874  Комментарии: 0  

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