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TMPGEnc XPress Retail

Новейшая версия известного пакета для работы с видео: конвертирование (включая перевод на DVD и XDVD - extended DVD), а также изменение и обьединение файлов, разделение видео и аудиопотоков и т.п. Особенности TMPGEnc XPress: наличие высококачественного кодека MPEG 1/2; возможность подключения Sound Plug-in AC-3; удобный и простой "мастер". Программа поддерживает все популярные форматы видеофайлов, включая DivX, AVI, HDV, QuickTime (MOV), MPEG 1/2 и 4, DVD-Video, XDVD, DVD-VR, а также Windows Media (WMV/WMV-HD/WMA).

Changes in TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress Version - June 26, 2008:
New - Includes a Blu-ray (BDMV, BDAV) MPEG-2 output template.
New - Includes an AVCHD reader allowing the use of AVCHD sources from a camcorder.
New - Can use the Sony AVCHD reader when installed on the application host computer.
Improved - Supports full HD output (up to 1920?1080 @ 60 fps) in MPEG-4 AVC/H.264.
Improved - Supports pixel aspect ratios other than 1:1 output in MPEG-4 AVC/H.264.
Improved - Supports AAC audio (up to 2 channels) input through the MPEG reader. Also supports AAC audio input embedded within an MPEG-2 Transport Stream container.
Improved - MPEG file output's Display mode setting offers Progressive (2:2 pulldown) option.
Improved - Implemented a solution to correct a loss of CPU usage rate increase occuring when outputting more than one file in WMV format within a Windows Media Player 11 environment.
Improved - Supports the WMF picture file format through an embeded WMF decoder.
Fixed - Validation system updated to support content-regulated network environment.
Fixed - An address violation error and possible application freeze occuring during the output when the source files are imported through the DirectShow reader.
Fixed - Application would sometimes not respond when converting a DVR-MS file into a Program Stream.
Fixed - FLV1 file would not import properly with some specific CPU environments.
Fixed - Project file handling would not be done properly when opening a project file with the "Open a project file" option and manually point the source files not found in the Project.
Fixed - An error would arise when starting the editing of a specific mp4 file imported through the QuickTime reader.
Fixed - The source framerate could not be obtained properly for a file imported through the QuickTime reader.
Fixed - 60 fps data could not be represented properly for a file imported through the QuickTime reader.
Fixed - Some parameters were not correctly reflected in the MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 output window.
Fixed - Limitations of the Level 2.1 parameters were incorrect in the MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 output window.
Fixed - The timestamp correction in the MPEG reader would not function properly.
Fixed - The VBV buffer size would be always lower than the maximum when outputting in HDV-HD1 with standard definition.
Fixed - Noise could appear when applying the Time tone reduction filter on a monaural audio stream.
Fixed - LPCM data information would not be handled properly in an LPCM source imported through the AVI reader when the quantization was different than 16 bit.
Fixed - Encoding would sometimes become abnormaly slow when using the Dolby Digital encoder.
Changed - Interlace display mode is no longer selectable in the MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 output settings window when in Baseline profile.
Changed - MPEG-2 AAC audio format is no longer selectable in the MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 and ISO output audio settings window.
Changed - The bitrate default value is automatically calculated based on the framerate, resolution, etc. in the MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 output settings window.
Changed - Bitrate buffer size setting has an Automatic option in the MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 output settings window.
Changed - Bitrate buffer size setting in kbits instead of bytes in the MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 output settings window.
Changed - "Other" tab displayed in the MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 output settings window.
Changed - File size and Authoring file size are now displayed in the format setting window when using the DVD, XDVD and BD templates.
Changed - BD (25, 50 GB) file size added to the bitrate calculator media type parameter.
Changed - File size and Authoring size added to the MPEG Encode/bitrate settings calculator when in DVD, XDVD or BD template output mode.
Changed - The Average video bitrate display becomes blue when equal to the Minimum bitrate in the MPEG Encode/bitrate settings calculator.
Changed - Calculates the overhead in the MPEG Encode/bitrate settings calculator when in MPEG-2 Transport Stream multiplexing mode.
Changed - The "Update batch list file..." and "Save the batch list..." options in the Batch encoder preferences are enabled by default.
Changed - "Delete the batch list when completed without error" option added to the Batch encoder preferences.
Changed - Colorspace can be set for each codec in the Preferences' AVI settings panel.

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1 июля 2008    Добавил: casper03   Просмотров: 917  Комментарии: 0  

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