Софт → Videomach 5.0.0 Pro
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Videomach - видеоредактор для тех, кто не справился с премудростями VirtualDub. Его создатели утверждают, что VideoMach объединяет мощь с легкостью в освоении. И если насчет последнего еще можно поспорить, то от недостатка возможностей программа точно не страдает. Тут и инструменты для монтажа, и эффекты, и длинный список поддерживаемых форматов, и умение работать даже с очень большими MPEG-файлами (на официальном сайте фигурирует цифра в 1000 терабайт). Беда только в том, что, в отличие от конкурента, деньги за VideoMach требуют в обязательном порядке.
Поддерживаются форматы: AVI, BAY,BMP/DIB, FLC/FLI, GIF, HAV, JPEG, MPA/MP2/MP3, audio MPEG-1/2, Layer I/II/III, (MP1 and MP3 read only) MPEG, OGG, PCX, PNG, PNM/PPM, RAS/SUN, RGB/SGI, TGA, TIFF, XPM, WAV.
WHAT'S NEW IN Videomach 5.0.0
Added: Real-time preview for most of video filters
Added: Writing of Windows Media Format 9 compatible files in WMV and WMA file formats
Added: Support for writing animated GIFs (one palette per frame or single palette for all frames)
Added: Ogg Video format (Theora codec) for both reading and writing including multiplexed Ogg Video + Audio
Added: Anti-aliasing and soft shadow in the Text Overlay filter
Added: Custom presets to change all output settings in two clicks
Added: Linking of audio and video
Added: Support for new CINE subformats (10, 12 and 14bit) and new filename extension ".cine"
Added: File Info dialog now displays image size in megapixels
Added: New command-line parameter /SaveOutput
Added: Automatic update notification
Added: Border function to add fixed-size borders
Changed: Resize, Crop and Rotate moved to Video Filters => Adjust Size submenu
Changed: New project files, not 100% compatible with the old ones due to changes in Output Settings dialog
Changed: Simpler use of Matrix and Temporal Average functions
Changed: Paste now accepts copied file names from a text editor, just make sure they contain full path to the file
Changed: Improved caching results in faster loading of large images
Changed: VideoMach shows a warning if output resolution is too high
Changed: There's no default session anymore
Changed: When opening image sequences there's no frame rate dialog displayed automatically anymore
Fixed: High amounts of Saturation produced invalid results
Fixed: In very rare cases some JPEG images had swapped R and B color components
Fixed: Video seek in MPEG files returned wrong images
Fixed: Unsupported files were locked after trying to open them
Fixed: Exception in some cases when opening AVI files
Fixed: Problems with uncompressed AVI files larger than a gigabyte
Fixed: Error if Cinepak doesn't exist (for example on Wine/Linux)
Fixed: When reading some video clips via DirectShow interface VideoMach froze completely
Fixed: When loading an image from plain-text list it would load entire sequence instead of a single image
Fixed: Preview movie resolution was invalid in some cases
Fixed: Some dialogs werent properly resized when Large Fonts option was set in Windows
Fixed: Bug when copying certain video filters
Fixed: Video artifacts when decoding some GIF images
Платформа: Windows 2000, XP, Vista
Интерфейс: английский
Размер: 3.27 MB
13 августа 2008 Добавил:
Wendox Просмотров: 619 Комментарии: 0

Videomach - видеоредактор для тех, кто не справился с премудростями VirtualDub. Его создатели утверждают, что VideoMach объединяет мощь с легкостью в освоении. И если насчет последнего еще можно поспорить, то от недостатка возможностей программа точно не страдает. Тут и инструменты для монтажа, и эффекты, и длинный список поддерживаемых форматов, и умение работать даже с очень большими MPEG-файлами (на официальном сайте фигурирует цифра в 1000 терабайт). Беда только в том, что, в отличие от конкурента, деньги за VideoMach требуют в обязательном порядке.
Поддерживаются форматы: AVI, BAY,BMP/DIB, FLC/FLI, GIF, HAV, JPEG, MPA/MP2/MP3, audio MPEG-1/2, Layer I/II/III, (MP1 and MP3 read only) MPEG, OGG, PCX, PNG, PNM/PPM, RAS/SUN, RGB/SGI, TGA, TIFF, XPM, WAV.
WHAT'S NEW IN Videomach 5.0.0
Added: Real-time preview for most of video filters
Added: Writing of Windows Media Format 9 compatible files in WMV and WMA file formats
Added: Support for writing animated GIFs (one palette per frame or single palette for all frames)
Added: Ogg Video format (Theora codec) for both reading and writing including multiplexed Ogg Video + Audio
Added: Anti-aliasing and soft shadow in the Text Overlay filter
Added: Custom presets to change all output settings in two clicks
Added: Linking of audio and video
Added: Support for new CINE subformats (10, 12 and 14bit) and new filename extension ".cine"
Added: File Info dialog now displays image size in megapixels
Added: New command-line parameter /SaveOutput
Added: Automatic update notification
Added: Border function to add fixed-size borders
Changed: Resize, Crop and Rotate moved to Video Filters => Adjust Size submenu
Changed: New project files, not 100% compatible with the old ones due to changes in Output Settings dialog
Changed: Simpler use of Matrix and Temporal Average functions
Changed: Paste now accepts copied file names from a text editor, just make sure they contain full path to the file
Changed: Improved caching results in faster loading of large images
Changed: VideoMach shows a warning if output resolution is too high
Changed: There's no default session anymore
Changed: When opening image sequences there's no frame rate dialog displayed automatically anymore
Fixed: High amounts of Saturation produced invalid results
Fixed: In very rare cases some JPEG images had swapped R and B color components
Fixed: Video seek in MPEG files returned wrong images
Fixed: Unsupported files were locked after trying to open them
Fixed: Exception in some cases when opening AVI files
Fixed: Problems with uncompressed AVI files larger than a gigabyte
Fixed: Error if Cinepak doesn't exist (for example on Wine/Linux)
Fixed: When reading some video clips via DirectShow interface VideoMach froze completely
Fixed: When loading an image from plain-text list it would load entire sequence instead of a single image
Fixed: Preview movie resolution was invalid in some cases
Fixed: Some dialogs werent properly resized when Large Fonts option was set in Windows
Fixed: Bug when copying certain video filters
Fixed: Video artifacts when decoding some GIF images
Платформа: Windows 2000, XP, Vista
Интерфейс: английский
Размер: 3.27 MB
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