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Софт → Comfort On Screen Keyboard Pro

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Comfort On Screen Keyboard Pro
Comfort On-Screen Keyboard – приложение, отображающее уникальную виртуальную клавиатуру на экране и позволяющее печатать как на обычной клавиатуре с помощью указателя мыши.

Comfort On-Screen Keyboard (Multilingual) is an application displaying a unique virtual keyboard on the screen and allowing you use the mouse pointer or the touch screen to type the way you do it with the regular keyboard.

Ideal for using on Ultra-Mobile PC (UMPC), TabletPC and kiosk.

Comfort On-Screen Keyboard supports all characteristics of the regular keyboard and has additional advantages:

• Word autocomplete function completes words you are typing on the on-screen keyboard.
• Gestures function support (fast entering of capital letters, spaces, etc.).
• Auto-repeat function (when a key is pressed and held, virtual keyboard enters and continues to enter the appropriate symbol at regular intervals until the key is released).
• Quick switching between languages (when you use more than one language layout).
• Displaying the icons of shortcuts of Windows® and popular applications.
• Displaying characters actually typed in any language, which allows you to type text without a localized keyboard.
• Customizing on-screen keyboard look (the position, size and number of keys, the color and the skin) with the possibility to select it from a large number of available templates (without having to buy a new keyboard )
• Color areas for fingers (if necessary) in case you learn to touch type. It is convenient because when you press a key, you can see it pressed on the on-screen keyboard!

Comfort On-Screen Keyboard can also help people who do not know how to type. Keyboard on the screen will help you control the process of typing without moving your eyes from the keyboard to the monitor and back all the time. It will decrease the strain on your eyes and neck and, as a result, will help you avoid headaches.

Comfort On-Screen Keyboard is convenient to use as a shortcut reference for applications. Having a visual shortcut reference at hand, you will be able to use the keyboard more effectively and considerably speed up your work.

The reference includes the shortcut keys of the following applications:
- Adobe® Illustrator
- Adobe® ImageReady
- Adobe® InDesign
- Adobe® Photoshop
- CodeGear® Developer Studio for Microsoft® WindowsTM
- CorelDRAW®
- Macromedia® Dreamweaver
- Mozilla Firefox
- Mozilla Thunderbird
- Microsoft® Document Explorer
- Microsoft® Office Word
- Microsoft® Office Excel
- Microsoft® Office Outlook®
- Microsoft® Office Visio®
- Microsoft® Internet Explorer
- Microsoft® Windows Mail
- Microsoft® Media Player
- Windows® Movie Maker
- Microsoft® Notepad
- Microsoft® Outlook Express
- Microsoft® Paint
- Microsoft® WordPad
- Microsoft® Visual Studio
- Microsoft® SQL Server Management Studio
- OpenOffice
- Opera Internet Browser
- The Bat!

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Размер: 2.84 Mb

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10 июня 2008    Добавил: edikbirnt   Просмотров: 1 004  Комментарии: 0  

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