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Скачать бесплатно ULTIMATE RECOVERY CD 2008

Загрузочный диск с различными очень полезными утилитами...

Programs included

Active partition recovery 5
Active Password Changer Pro
Advanced EFS Recovery
Anti-Crash 3.6.1
Advanced Cab Repair Pro
CD Data Rescue 2.5
Data Recovery Wizard Pro 3.34
File Scavenger 3.0.1
HDD Regenerator 1.51
Actice Disk Wiper Pro

Active Rescue Live
Advanced RAR Repair retail
Advanced Zip Repair 1.8.1
Advanced PDF Repair 1.0
Advanced Photoshopp Repair
Active Undelete 5.5
2 Rescue BootDisk Makes
Partition Table Doctor 3.5
O&O Disk Recovery 4.0.1
O&O Disk Recovery 4.1 Vista
PC Inspector File recovery
Raise Data Recovery For NTFS
Pen Drive Data Recovery
Recover Lost Data 3
R-Studio 3.6
R-Studio Emergency
R-Studio RS Agent
Disk Explorer For NTFS
GetDataBack For Fat
GetDataBack For NTFS
SpinRite 6.0 Release 1
SpinRite Iso maker
Steller phoenix Fat & NTFS

Live Programs:
Pen Drive data Doctor
TestDisk 6 Live
Portable Total Commander 7.01
Hard Disk Sentinel Live
Portable Spinrite 6.0
Portable O&O UnErase 4.1
Portable MediaRecovery
AdvancedRAR Password Recover 1.53
GetDataBack NTFS Live
PhotoRecovery 6.6
Data Recovery Wizard Pro
Portable Dead Disk Doctor
PortableFinal Recovery
Portable HDDlife Pro
Portable All Media Fixer Pro
Portable R-Studio 3.5
O&O Disk Recovery 4.1 Tech
Easy Photo Recovery Live

The new O&O RescueBox 4 is THE data recovery bundle for every operation on every
system. It is immediately bootable
from CD and contains its own independent operating system. With the help of O&O
DiskRecovery 4, O&O Format-
Recovery 4 and O&O UnErase 4, the O&O RescueBox 4 can recover fi les from nearly
every type of data storage media.
Using the on screen assistant, recovery is made easy and fi les you thought were
lost can quickly be at your disposal
O&O DiskRecovery 4
O&O DiskRecovery 4 can still help recover data even when things seem hopeless.
By means of the exclusive O&O DeepScan technology, over 300 fi le types can be
recognized and recovered, even those most severely damaged. You can integrate
unsupported fi le types and also combine different scanning methods.
O&O FormatRecovery 4
O&O FormatRecovery 4 enables the recovery of deleted or formatted partitions
or hard disks to their pre-deletion form. File and directory structures are
restored. O&O FormatRecovery 4 takes the selected directory structure, fi le
name and
fi le information and stores it on another storage media, enabling a straight
search to be carried out based on the directory and fi le names.
O&O UnErase 4
Whether your fi les were deleted through a DOS prompt or from inside Windows
Explorer, with or without their being sent to the recycle bin, O&O UnErase 4
will recover
the deleted fi les and restore all intact data. A simple and intuitive user
interface similar
to that of Windows Explorer tops off the experience.
The Data Recovery Assistant
The O&O RescueBox 4 Data Recovery Assistant helps the user not only identify the
type of data loss sustained but also to select the appropriate product to
recover it.
Once the interactive dialogue with the Assistant is complete, the relevant
from the O&O RescueBox 4 is started to provide the best solution to the problem
Supported storage media
O&O RescueBox 4 can recover data from all Windows supported data storage media.
This includes, amongst others, internal und external hard disks (IDE, SATA, SCSI
Digital cameras, MP3 Players, USB and Memory Sticks, Memory Cards, CDs, DVDs und
Diskettes. The only condition for a data recovery is that the data storage
medium is
compatible with Windows, but you are not required to carry out a compatibility
in this regard.
The rescued data can then be saved on any Windows supported storage medium
(provided it is not the medium from where the data was just recovered!).
Windows PE (the operating system on the CD)
O&O RescueBox 4 comes delivered with a modifi ed and fully functional version of
operating system Windows PE. Windows PE allows the user full access to NTFS. The
products comprising the O&O RescueBox 4 can be activated with the familiar look
& feel of Windows using the graphic user interface. Using Windows PE enables you
to execute a data recovery session when no other operating system is installed

Размер: 520 Mb


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23 июня 2007    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 2 061  Комментарии: 0  

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