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Игры → Alien VS Predator Gold Edition

Скачать бесплатно Alien VS Predator Gold Edition Alien VS Predator Gold Edition

Featuring characters from the popular and terrifying film sagas Aliens and Predator, Aliens versus Predator: Gold Edition pits three of the deadliest species in the universe against each other in a battle for the ultimate prize: they're survival. Playing as a colonial marine, a predator, or an alien, gamers can experience more than 30 levels of action and terror, including five bonus stages for each character made specifically for this set. Additionally, AvP Gold also includes the Millennium Expansion Pack and official strategy guide as an incentive on top of the three different species which already provides users with their own individual objectives, weapons, and unique perspectives.

Aliens Vs Predator: Gold Edition Special Features:
• Play 3 different species: each with different strengths, weapons, physical abilities and objectives
• Over 40 different levels in environments including spaceships, alien Temples and underground caverns
• Deformable environments: scorch walls and surroundings with a flame thrower and write your name on the wall with a pulse rifle
• 10 multiplayer modes which include: species war, co-op, deathmatch, tag, and more
• Particles and dynamic systems: stunningly real smoke, steam, sparks, fire and muzzle flashes throw a grenade in the water and watch the splash
• Hyper Advanced Artificial Intelligence: Regardless of your species, you will be stalked by intelligent opponents that randomize in the environment
• Total freedom of movement: look up and down, jump, crouch and climb
• Dynamic lighting: shoot out lights and the world plunges into darkness, fire a flare down a corridor and see it light up the walls as it goes

works on XP Windows


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5 мая 2006    Добавил: Demonxx   Просмотров: 1 681  Комментарии: 0  

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