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Софт → FTPRush 2.1.1 Final

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FTPRush 2.1.1 Final

FTPRush - это простой и удобный FTP-клиент, который позволяет не только переслать файлы между компьютером и сервером (туда и обратно), но также поддерживает передачу файлов непосредственно между серверами (FXP). Программа позволяет работать сразу с несколькими FTP одновременно, обладает гибким, настраиваемым интерфейсом, имеет встроенный Менеджер Задач, поддерживает работу с прокси. FTPRush может работать с SSL-соединениями, автоматически проверять SFV-файлы при скачивании и загрузке и многое другое.

Key Features:

* Tabbed Interface for smooth control over multiple active connections
* GUI Runtime Customization and Integrated Docking; spice up the look of it all with your own style or favorites such as MS Office® 2000/XP/2003
* Drag-And-Drop files via Explorer-like interface
* Easiest way to FXP files from one server to another
* Lightning speed than other FTP clients to download or upload files
* Built-in Task Manager for you to easily schedule all kinds of jobs.
* Allows to setting listing/downloading/uploading FTP account individually into One site and switch them automatically
* On-The-Fly Compression saves your bandwidth
* Offers FTP MLSD to gives more accurate directory listing and synchronize folders
* UPnP Port-Mapping enabled FTP client to accepts incoming connections from server
* Multi-Language support makes the FTP Client easily translatable to your native language if it's not already done
* HTTP Proxy, FTP Proxy, Socks 4 & 5 support; create different proxies and switch between them with a simple mouse click
* Automatically get notified when new files is found in FTP server
* High performance Disk Buffer to decrease disk fragmentation
* Secure FTP transfer protects your data and information through SSL/TLS encryption
* Use SSL FXP to secure transfers between servers via CPSV and SSCN commands
* Access your shell via the FTP client SFTP (SFTP) functionalities
* TFTP client (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) allows you transfer files to your network connected devices
* Use FTP client to Synchronize your files daily
* Built-in Script Engine for you to reap maximum benefits from each one of your transfers; either write your own scripts or choose from an always growing collection
* Automatic SFV Checking and Reporting functionalities
* Multiple-Files Renaming tool saves you time
* Built-in Command Designer for Serv-U/RaidenFTPD/ioFTPD/glftpd; your always one click away from all the basic ftp commands but you can also personnalize them to make everything quicker for you
* FTP Folders Caching speeds your browsing without refresh directory again
* Sends Raw FTP Commands to single site or all servers in seconds
* Wildcards, Regular Expressions and Skip & Allow Lists tools make sure that you transfer wanted data only
* Search for a file on a server as easily as you would on your own machine with our Advanced FTP File Finder tool
* Stable Ident Server with global and single site settings
* Auto detect Unicode/UTF-8 Charset is supported on the server

What's New in This Release:

* [+] Added a option "Login with Utf-8 Username"
* [+] Added a portable version (please do not put the portable version into directory "C:\Program Files" if you are using Windows Vista/7 with UAC enabled)
* [*] Improved SSH download speed
* [*] Improved scripts support
* [x] Do not clear queue window when transfer finished
* [x] Do not refresh local file size when transfer finished
* [!] Updated Arabic language

Год выпуска: 2010
ОС: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: multilanguage/Русский
Лекарство: не требуется
Внимание! У Вас нет прав для просмотра скрытого текста.

Размер: 3.6 Мб

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14 октября 2010    Добавил: 0Jackpot0   Просмотров: 570  Комментарии: 0  

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