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Iceni Technology Argus v6.1.09

Iceni Argus — высокотехнологичное решение для группового конвертирования PDF-документов в любые текстовые или графические форматы. Поможет безошибочно обработать финансовые отчёты, доклады, газетные и журнальные статьи и даже структурированные PDF. Поставляется с набором шаблонов вывода, в том числе — в HTML и RTF, которые можно изменять или полностью переделывать для получения выходных данных в любом текстовом формате.

Argus comes with a variety of example configurations covering most of the capabilities of the software. Useful in their own right they also serve as a convenient starting point for creating your own configurations.
Argus is a very powerful and flexible PDF document conversion and extraction tool. It is controlled via configuration files. A number of common applications of Argus are described in the tables below. For each type of conversion/extraction application the appropriate configuration file(s) are identified with a brief description of each. Each configuration file path is also a link to page which gives more detailed information: sample input and output data, the command line used to produce the output and information regarding important config file settings that you are most likely to want to modify. These descriptions and configuration files are by no means a comprehensive list of what Argus can do; they just serve as templates so that it should not be neccessary to write a configuration file from scratch.

• Export & reflow text in any format
• Export tabular data retaining layout
• Export PDF Forms data - the fields and their contents
• Export text via article thread
• Export embedded photos as EPS, Tiff, JPEG, PNG or BMP
• Export photos as Photoshop EPS with clip paths
• Export images with original OPI data (if available)
• Export structured/tagged PDF to XML
• Superb page layout retention in HTML and RTF
• Render at any resolution & colour depth to any of the above formats
• Render documents as multi-page Tiff
• Built-in spooler for totally automated operation
• Includes C/C++/Visual Basic software development kit (SDK)
• Compatible with all versions of PDF
• Supports 40-bit and 128-bit encrypted documents
• Supports all standard text encodings e.g. UTF-8, BIG-5, Shift-JIS
• Flexibility

Argus allows you to re-configure every aspect of the PDF conversion down to the level of individual tags, line-breaks and analysis behaviour. This means that it is possible to generate text output in almost any format you require whether it be a proprietary tagging scheme of your own or a standard markup language.

The package includes an extensive set of pre-configured schemes including:
configurations for text, HTML and RTF that re-flow the output
HTML and RTF configurations for preserving layout
"tabtext" configuration designed for accurate export of tabular data such as stock market reports, inventories and invoices
"gridText" configuration for retaining layout in plain text output
article thread export configurations
image export and page rendering configurations
Software Development Kit - "SDK"

Argus includes a SDK with support for C, C++ and Visual Basic. Using the SDK, the full power of Argus can be seamlessly incorporated into your own Visual Basic applications and "C/C++" programs.

In fact, any application requiring the ability to convert or render PDF documents can be rapidly developed using the simple API provided by the SDK.

Официальный сайт: - http://www.iceni.com/argusAppExs/argusAppExs.html
Размер: 32.21 MB
Язык: English
ОС: WinAll
Лекарство в комплекте

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Iceni Technology Argus v6.1.09

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21 июня 2010    Добавил: alahabuka   Просмотров: 465  Комментарии: 0  

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