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MyConnection Server v9.0h

Полезный набор инструментов для мониторинга и анализа состояния сети и соединения в Windows 7.
MyConnection Server – это отличная программа, которая позволит организациям измерять, следить и анализировать производительность Интернет соединения и простого соединения между удаленными системами и серверами.
MyConnection Server имеет три основных метода тестирования, которые предоставляют отличную гибкость. Эти методы ранжируются от обычного тестового портала до автоматизированного тестирования сетей с консолью управления. Эти методы могут совмещаться и меняться на лету, позволяя вам быстро адаптировать тестовое соединение MCS в соответствии с требованиями и сетевыми инфраструктурами.

MyConnection Server позволит вам:
- Тестировать AccessCT удаленно.
- Автоматически тестировать сети.
- Тестировать виртуальный браузер конечного пользователя.

• Browser Self Help delivers a low cost, fast benefit solution that can easily address enterprise scale user communities. Seamless Integrated browser support provides an ‘access anywhere’, ‘use everywhere’ model allowing user communities to easily self-validate connection quality and throughput. Results can be tailored for both advanced and novice users alike to deliver better understanding and acceptance of issues that affect the user experience. In all cases MCS delivers the important data to the MCS central server(s) that allows support groups and engineers to quickly and proactively resolve issues that impact the customer Quality of Experience (QoE).

• Automated Remote Testing delivers an easy to manage low cost implementation model that allows support groups and engineers to measure a user’s experience over extended periods of time without becoming intrusive and a burden to the user. Measuring over time provides a consistent and valuable picture of connection quality which delivers a more accurate assessment of how the Quality of Experience is affected, especially in the customer network and the impact of the last mile. This delivers an ideal solution for prequalifying remote user connections before application roll-out. The ability to conduct extended measurements over time without impacting the customer allows support groups to more easily discover variations in baseline performance when initiating network and/or application changes. More info.

• AccessCT™ Appliance greatly enhances the automated testing model through the precise detection of network data errors, WAN or LAN, that disrupt application performance. The AccessCT delivers a tailored solution that dramatically reduces provisioning and ownership costs associated with standard OS platforms Windows and Unix. When there is the need for continuous measurement of critical connections AccessCT unique design delivers a highly secure platform that eliminates the risks and threats associated with standard OS platforms. The AccessCT pocket sized form factor is designed for mobility, making the appliance ideal for onsite customer field engineers, improving productivity through quick identification of connection quality issues. More info.

• NetQCheck™ Embedded Network Testing Technology delivers a comprehensive API framework that allows applications and devices to accurately measure connectivity quality. This allows NetQCheck enabled devices and applications to better adapt to network problems that would otherwise affect the quality of experience for the user. NetQCheck improves the customer experience and reduces support costs for time critical applications such as VoIP, Video, IPTV and other interactive and collaboration based solutions. NetQCheck delivers a portable OEM solution which can operate on compliant platforms, such as VoIP/Soft phone handsets, firewalls, Routers, set-top boxes, mobile phones or simply a Windows /Unix workstation/server. More info.

Оф.сайт : http://www.myconnectionserver.com
Язык : Английский
Размер : 6.39 Mb
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MyConnection Server v9.0h

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20 июня 2010    Добавил: alahabuka   Просмотров: 576  Комментарии: 0  

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