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Софт → AI Roboform Enterprise v7.0.57.0 Beta

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AI Roboform Enterprise v7.0.57.0 Beta

AI Roboform - программа, являющаяся менеджером паролей и заполнителем веб-форм, полностью автоматизирующей ввод паролей и заполнениe форм. С помощью этой программы персональные данные пользователя вводятся один раз и потом любая форма на любом сайте заполняется одним нажатием кнопки. Программой поддерживается заполнение форм на различных языках, в том числе и на русском. RoboForm может прочитать и заполнить любую форму, даже ту, которую он раньше не видел. Практически, данная программа делает то же самое, что и человек при заполнении формы - распознает, обрабатывает и заполняет форму. Программа устанавливается и работает в качестве плагина с браузерами Internet Explorer, Maxthon, Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox и обладает многоязычным интерфейсом с поддержкой русского языка.

После регистрации на различных веб-сайтах приходится запоминать регистрационные данные и вводить их вручную. Эта программа позволит запомнить регистрационные данные и подставить их в нужные места на веб-сайтах при необходимости. AI RoboForm может делать следующие операции: сохранит пароли из парольной формы; автоматически заполнит пароли; автоматом зайдет в сетевые аккаунты; сгенерирует случайные пароли; шифрует пароли; может хранить пароли на любом съемном диске; спасает, восстанавливает и печатает пароли. AI RoboForm работает в операционной системе в качестве дополнения (плагина) к различным браузерам: Internet Explorer, AOL, MSN, Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape.

Основные возможности:
• Автоматическое сохранение введенных интернет-паролей
• Автоматический ввод паролей в формы
• Нажатие кнопки Login за пользователя
• Заполнение форм с вашей персональной информацией
• Сохранение различной секретной информации и заметок
• Генерация случайных паролей
• Шифрование паролей и персональных данных с использованием AES, Blowfish, RC6, 3-DES или 1-DES
• Хранение всей информации только на локальном компьютере
• Работа с USB-диска, обеспечивая максимальную мобильность
• Синхронизаия ваших паролей и заметок с Palm или Pocket PC
• Обеспечение Резервного копирования и восстановления данных, печать ваших паролей
• Использование дополнительных возможностей
• Работа на Windows в качестве дополнения к браузерам
• Работа с браузерами Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox

AI RoboForm is a push-button web form filler with some serious
Artificial Intelligence (AI) inside. It allows you to define your
personal profile or "usual" responses to a web form.

This information is then saved, and when you need to fill a form,
just click "Fill Forms" button, and form is filled out.

AI RoboForm is fully client-based, so it is very fast, it never
disables web site functions, and it works even in pop-up HTML

The most important feature of AI RoboForm is high accuracy - it
fills 95% of all fields correctly.

FLEXIBLE for Administrators
· Administrators have full control to customize every feature to
meet your specific security and password standards. RoboForm is
an easily deployed, client-based solution.

PRODUCTIVE for End Users
· Users memorize only one master password. RoboForm Enterprise
remembers all the rest, and provides true automated logins (a
better Single Sign-On).

SECURE for Everyone
· Facilitates secure password practices without sacrificing
security or convenience. All websites, forms, logins, and
corporate data stay secure.

COST EFFECTIVE for the Bottom Line
· Provides an immediate Return on Investment via increased
employee productivity and reduced helpdesk calls

Features Overview:
RoboForm Enterprise is an advanced, full-featured Password
Management Solution, that your employees will actually

Protects Your Passwords to Secure Your Network
· RoboForm securely stores your usernames, passwords and other
confidential information on your computer using powerful AES
encryption. When you visit a password-protected website,
RoboForm automatically retrieves your data and logs you in with
one click.

Only One Password to Remember
· All your passwords and other important information are
protected using your Master Password. So you remember one
Master Password and RoboForm remembers the rest.

Users Enjoy One-Click Logins
· RoboForm's powerful form-filling technology allows you to login
to websites automatically. Simply select any RoboForm Passcard
and RoboForm will
· a.) Navigate to the website
· b.) Enter Your username and password
· c.) Click the submit button . . . all in one click!

Automatically Fills Long Checkout and Registration Forms
· Filling long forms has never been easier. With RoboForm you
simply click on your Identity and RoboForm will complete the
entire form for you.

Protects Users From Identity Theft
· Since RoboForm will remember all your passwords, you can now
use hard-to-guess passwords for all your logins. RoboForm comes
with a secure password generator to improve your password
security. RoboForm also protects you from Keyloggers and
Phishing scams.

RoboForm Benefits
· Easy to Use - You remember one password, RoboForm remembers the
· Saves Time - Automates logins to all your favorite websites.
· Saves More Time - RoboForm fills long forms with one click.
· Secures Your Information - Stores passwords on YOUR computer,
protects them with powerful AES encryption.
· Strengthens Passwords - Generates secure passwords to increase
your password protection.
· Fights Phishing - Fills passwords only on matching websites.
· Defeats Keyloggers - RoboForm does not require using keyboard
to type passwords.
· Improves Password Organization - Backs up, prints and easily
organizes your passwords.
· Increases Search Capabilities - Search any website directly
from the RoboForm toolbar.
· Enhances Portability - RoboForm2Go runs from a USB Flash Drive.
Take your passwords, contacts and bookmarks with you.

RoboForm Enterprise is Secure

RoboForm Fights Phishing - RoboForm® is an effective way to help
prevent the phishing scams plaguing Internet users today.

Phishing is the illegal practice of posing as a trusted business
or financial institution online in order to deceptively obtain
sensitive personal data. Phishing scans can be exposed when
individuals use RoboForm.

Phishers typically send an email asking the recipient to visit a
web page to confirm sensitive account information. The page will
look identical to the business' real page, but is a fake. This
fake page collects the unsuspecting user's confidential
information and sends it to the criminal.

RoboForm fights phishing scams by linking sensitive account
information only to the correct URL.

If a user learns to rely on RoboForm to log-in to websites, fake
sites will be exposed because RoboForm will not recognize the
site and provide login information.

RoboForm prompts users to double-check the authenticity of a
website before entering any sensitive information, such as credit
card or social security numbers.

RoboForm Defeats KeyLoggers - Keyloggers steal any password that
is manually entered, and then sends them to a third party-an
employer, a spouse, a competitor or simply a hacker. The third
party is now able to log in to accounts using stolen passwords.
Most keyloggers are hard for all but the most advanced users to

Master Password
· RoboForm provides a Virtual Keyboard to "type" the Master
Password. Keyloggers can't see it. The Virtual Keyboard is an
image of a keyboard on the screen. Users "type" by clicking on
the images of the keyboard buttons. Since there are no
keystrokes, there's nothing for the keylogger to detect or

Website Passwords
· More advanced keyloggers may attach themselves to Internet
Explorer and get passwords directly from the password field of
a form, allowing them to capture passwords that are not typed.
RoboForm provides some protection against these keyloggers as
· Quick Typing. Roboform enters and submits password so quickly
that many keyloggers can't capture the information.

Whats New in Version 7.0.6
· Numerous Editor User Interface improvements.

Version 7.0.5
· Update icons in existing passcards that do not have icons, on
Login, GoFill, Save.
· Logins menu: Add Most Popular section, below Recently Used
· New Passcard Editor: add Categories selector on the left.
· Embed GoodSync2Go ver 8.1.9, to sync with RF Online server.

OC : Windows All
Язык : мульти/русский
Официальный сайт : http://anonym.to/?http://www.roboform.com/enterprise/
Размер:9,6 MB
Лекарство в комплекте

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AI Roboform Enterprise v7.0.57.0 Beta

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9 мая 2010    Добавил: alahabuka   Просмотров: 454  Комментарии: 0  

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