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TaskInfo v9.0.0.300

TaskInfo – мощное системное средство, сочетающее в себе функции менеджера процессов и программы для отображения системной информации. Выводит сведения о процессах и их нитях, которые выполняются на данном компьютере в режиме реального времени, подсчитывает процессорное временя, которое они занимают (в процентах и минутах), отображает тип процесса, его модули, переменные, память и другую полезную информацию. Позволяет управлять все теми же процессами, например, принудительно завершать или менять их приоритет.

TaskInfo is a poweful utility that combines and improves features of Task Manager and System Information tools. It visually monitors (in text and graphical forms) different types of system information in any Windows system (95, 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, WinXP 32 and 64 bit, Server 2003 32 and 64 bit, Vista 32 and 64 bit., Server 2008 32 and 64 bit), Windows 7 and Server 2008 r2 (32 and 64 bit) in real time. Click here to see large screenshot of TaskInfo main window.TaskInfo shows information about all running processes and threads including ring0 VxD threads.

Information about each process includes:
* Most of the Processes that want to be invisible like worms, keyloggers and other spy software
* All threads (with details including Thread Start Address and Call Stack with Symbolic Information if possible)
* CPU usage (multiple CPU supported)
* Memory usage
* Scheduling rate
* Path
* Opened files and handles
* Loaded modules (DLLs etc.)
* Command line
* Environment variables
* Version information
* Connections
* GDI Handles
* Search File Information on WWW
* Information about Services in Process
* State of Digital Signature
* and more!

TaskInfo also shows detailed system information:
* Total CPU usage (multiple CPU supported)
* Total memory usage (physical, virtual etc.)
* Total number of processes and threads
* Thread switches and interrupts rate
* Read/write data rates on disks
* Modem connection speed (if present)
* All opened files
* All opened drivers
* All Win32 and Kernel Services
* All opened UDP, TCP/IP connections
* All opened RAS, VPN and Dial-Up connections
* Network client/server data rates
* OS and CPU details (see below)
* and more!

Operating system detailed information includes:
* OS type (Windows 98, XP etc.) and version
* Time from system start
* Computer's network name
* Logged-on user name
* Windows/system directory (folder) on disk
* Host name
* AC/Battery status (if present)
* and more!

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28 декабря 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 455  Комментарии: 0  

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