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Софт → Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2010 6.50.6644 Advanced Multilanguage

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Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2010 6.50.6644 Advanced Multilanguage

Ashampoo WinOptimizer - пакет программ, позволяющих оптимизировать операционную систему за счет ее настройки и очистки. Включает в себя утилиты для очистки жесткого диска и системного реестра, модуль для обеспечения зaщиты вaшeй личной инфopмaции путем пoиcкa и удaлeния фaйлoв и дaнныx, ocтaвшиxcя после интернет-cepфингa, утилиту для оптимизации Интернет-соединения путем настройки Windows TCP/IP, модуль для настройки программ, автозагружаемых одновременно с запуском системы, а также модули для поиска и удаления ненужных фaйлoв DLL, для безвозвратного удаления данных и для шифрования файлов. Кроме этого, Ashampoo WinOptimizer Suite позволяет переназначать ассоциации файлов, шифровать /расшифровывать файлы, а также безвозвратно их удалять. Наконец, возможна настрояка параметров системы и ее оптимизация за один клик - за это отвечает модуль "1-Click Optimization".

Microsoft Windows may have got more advanced but the need for effective maintenance is greater than ever. If you don’t houseclean your computer system regularly the digital garbage that collects over time makes it slower and can even cause inexplicable errors – usually when you need them least. With the reliability of 11 years of experience, Ashampoo WinOptimizer 6 makes Windows maintenance fast and easy – and it works for Windows XP just as well as it does for Vista. The One-click Optimizer does what it says and you can even schedule it to run automatically so that you don’t need to think about it at all. It keeps your Windows computer running as fast and smoothly as on the first day you bought it. In addition to efficient Windows maintenance you also get a whole suite of powerful, easy-to-use tools that enable you to configure and tune your Windows computer so that it works exactly the way you want it to.

New Features in Version 6
Defrag 3 Disk Defragmenter and Service As you use your hard disk the information on it becomes “fragmented”, making your computer slower. The brand-new Defrag 3 disk defragmenter does the best job ever of defragmenting your hard disks and it comes with a new background service that automatically keeps your hard drives defragmented whenever your computer is idle. The advanced new Boot Time Defragmentation makes Windows start faster. The continuous background service with a new predictive defragmentation algorithm actually prevents fragmentation before it can happen. It automatically cuts in and defragments your hard disk when your computer is idle, never interfering with your work or other programs. The result is hard disks that are always “freshly defragmented”.

AntiSpy Module
This module provides a collection of settings for Windows services and other programs that like to “phone home” and tell Microsoft or their manufacturers about your computer and what you are doing. The settings let you control and stop this behavior to protect your privacy and security, for example for Windows Media Player, the Windows error reporting service and others.

Context Menu Manager
The new Context Menu Manager enables you to view and manage the contents of right-click context menus in Windows, giving you full control. Popup context menus are displayed when you click the right button on your mouse. They’re useful and configurable and many programs add entries to them to allow you to give you direct access to special functions.

Favorites Tab
The new Favorites tab makes using WinOptimizer 6 even easier by giving you direct access to the functions and modules you use most frequently. The program automatically lists the functions you use in the Favorites tab so that you can return to them quickly. Once you’ve used a function or module it becomes even easier to use it again. In addition to this the tab also displays interesting information on how you use the program functions – date of use, frequency of use, last use and so on.

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15 декабря 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 675  Комментарии: 0  

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