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Софт → ClickTeam Install Creator Pro v2.0.35

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ClickTeam Install Creator Pro v2.0.35

ClickTeam Install Creator Pro - очень простой и в то же время профессиональный инструмент для создания инсталляционных файлов. Режим wizard позволяет выбрать файлы, которые вы хотите добавить в инсталляцию, задать инстляционный путь по умолчанию, добавить лицензионное соглашение и т.д. После чего программа создаёт сжатый .ехе файл.вы сможете добавить любые иконки, логтипы и текст, настроить дополнительные опции: DLL, OCX, REG, TLB регистрации, установка шрифтов, ярлыков на рабочий стол и многое другое. Также можно добавить опцию полной де-инсталляции созданного приложения.

ClickTeam Install Creator Pro a very easy to professional and use tool to create software installations. It offers a wizard interface that lets you select the files to include in the package, specify installation paths, add license agreements etc. and then compiles the complete installation package for you into a compressed EXE. You can add custom icons, text and logos and also use the configuration interface to define additional options, which include optional DLL, OCX, TLB and REG registrations, installation of fonts, desktop more and shortcuts. Install Creator can also include a complete uninstall option.

Install Creator And Install Creator Pro Feature List
- Everything in one compressed distributable executable file
- Follows the standards seen in all installation programs
- Full-featured dialog box editor to customize your installer's screen
- Every text is customizable
- Creates icons and folder in Window's start menu
- Automatic floppy disk spanning
- Automatic installation of Fonts
- Automatic installation of ActiveX controls
- Automatic installation of screen-savers
- Handle DLL installation and de-installation counters
- Optional icon on the desktop
- Display a text or web page at the end of an installation
- Launch other programs at the end of an installation
- Complete de-installer
- Ability to remove keys from the registry
- Multilingual templates and you can make your own language translations

Install Creator Pro Added Features
- Ability to generate multiple installations in the same install program (e.g. unregistered and registered version, or English and French version)
- Only stores the differences between the files of the different versions for a maximum compression
- Ability to password protect your install program and to generate user registration codes
- Ability to write strings or values to the registry, to a .ini file or into any file
- Ability to keep your files external to your install program (CD-ROM installations)
- Ability to download files from a server
- Ability to test if files are in use
- Ability to choose the version of Windows on which to install files.

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10 декабря 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 605  Комментарии: 0  

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