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Софт → My Drivers Professional Edition 5.00.3668 Multilanguage

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My Drivers Professional Edition 5.00.3668 Multilanguage

Утилита для создания резервных копий драйверов, установленных в вашей системе. Может автоматически инсталлировать, восстанавливать, обновлять драйвера устройств и находить драйвера для неопознанных устройств. Можно выбрать, чтобы сохраненные данные упаковывались в EXE-инсталлятор. Также My Drivers может создавать копии оригинальных инсталляторов драйверов. В программе есть информация о более чем 59000 драйверах и их изготовителях. My Drivers может делать резервные копии Избранного IE, копии настроек прокси-серверов и настроек программ Outlook и Outlook Express. Программа имеет мультиязычный интерфейс, включая русский.

Device driver backup utility designed to backup driver of your system in case of system crash or reinstallation of Windows. Automatic install / restore, update device drivers and find drivers for your unknown devices.

Backup drivers today !
Download a driver backup software now !
Driver Backup plus IE Favorites, Outlook Express Backup !
Driver Backup plus automatic installer .EXE to restore all drivers with one mouse-click.
Windows Vista Compatible.

My Drivers enables easy and fast detection, backup and restore of all hardware device drivers currently on your system. Also, you can even find the latest drivers for your hardware and install them onto your computer. With just one or two mouse button clicks, you will have all your hardware devices extracted and backed-up to any folder you want. When you reinstall or upgrade your system, you can restore all drivers by clicking a button. Once after a reboot, all the drivers will be re-installed and will function well. You may also choose to backup a particular driver or all the drivers with an EXE automatic installer. If you have a particular item of hardware that is troublesome, just remove the driver with this software. It is especially useful to those who have lost their Driver Disk or Driver CD. My Drivers is able to clone the original driver installation. It is also capable of serving those people to find and install the appropriate and latest drivers for their hardware devices. My Drivers identifies almost all hardware devices, reported information includes device model, device manufacturer, chip/chipset manufacturer, OEM name, OEM vender. Over 58,600 drivers information and manufacturers and venders information are embedded with the software. You may easily find a driver that will work for a certain device by PnP ID fingerprint comparison, and a compatibility test will be performed before installing a driver that will be downloaded from the Internet. It is optional to create a floppy disc with My Drivers included for further driver management and hardware detection when no drivers are installed on Windows system. If you have a CD-R or CD-RW recorder or another partition, you might backup the entire set of driver files there. My Drivers will also backup the Favorites in Internet Explorer and Proxy Settings and provides a backup for settings for Outlook and Outlook Express.

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1 декабря 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 717  Комментарии: 0  

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