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Софт → SiSoftware Sandra Professional Business v2010 1.16.10

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SiSoftware Sandra Professional Business v2010 1.16.10

SiSoftware Sandra Professional Business - это системный анализатор для 32-х и 64-битных версий Windows, включающий в себя тестовые и информационный модули. Sandra старается превзойти другие подобные утилиты и показать реальную картину, объединяя в одной программе возможности для сравнения производительности как на высоком, так и на низком уровне. Вы можете получить сведения о процессоре, чипсете, видеоадаптере, портах, принтерах, звуковой карте, памяти, сети, Windows, AGP, соединениях ODBC, USB2, Firewire, и других. Также вы можете сохранять, распечатывать и отправлять по факсу и электронной почте, загружать на сервер или вставлять в базу данных ADO/ODBC отчеты в текстовом, HTML, XML, SMS/DMI или RPT форматах. Данная версия поддерживает множество источников для сбора информации, в том числе: удаленные компьютеры, КПК, смартфоны, базы данных ADO/ODBC или сохраненные отчеты. Все тесты оптимизированы как для SMP, так и для SMT (Hyper-Threading), поддерживая до 32/64 процессоров в зависимости от платформы.

SiSoftware Sandra (the System ANalyser, Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant) is an information & diagnostic utility. It should provide most of the information (including undocumented) you need to know about your hardware, software and other devices whether hardware or software.Sandra is a (girl) name of Greek origin that means "defender", "helper of mankind". We think that's quite fitting.It works along the lines of other Windows utilities, however it tries to go beyond them and show you more of what's really going on. Giving the user the ability to draw comparisons at both a high and low-level. You can get information about the CPU, chipset, video adapter, ports, printers, sound card, memory, network, Windows internals, AGP, PCI, PCI-X, PCIe (PCI Express), database, USB, USB2, 1394/Firewire, etc.

Native ports for all major operating systems are available:
* Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008 (x86)
* Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008 (x64)
* Windows 2003/2008* (IA64)
* Windows Mobile 5 (ARM CE 5.01)
* Windows Mobile 6 (ARM CE 5.02)

All major technologies are supported and taken advantage of:
* SMP - Multi-Processor
* MC - Multi-Core
* SMT/HT - Hyper-Threading
* MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE 4.1, SSE 4.2, AVX, FMA - Multi-Media instructions
* GPGPU, DirectX, OpenGL - Graphics
* NUMA - Non-Uniform Memory Access
* AMD64/EM64T/x64 - 64-bit extensions to x86
* IA64 - Intel* Itanium 64-bit

General Sandra Information
Here are the version types, in line with industry standards:
* Sandra Lite (free for personal/educational use - no nag screens, time limit, etc.)
* Sandra Advanced (for OEMs)
* Sandra Professional (commercial)
* Sandra Engineer (commercially exploitabile)
* Sandra Enterprise (commercial)

List of SiSoftware Sandra Modules
Here is a list of current modules.
* System Summary
* Mainboard/Chipset/System Monitors Info
* APM & ACPI (Advanced Power Management) Info
* PCI(e), AGP, CardBus, PCMCIA bus and devices Info
* Video Information (monitor, card, video bios, caps, etc.)
* OpenGL Information
* DirectX (DirectDraw, Direct3D, DirectSound (3D), DirectMusic, DirectPlay, DirectInput) Info
* Keyboard Info
* Mouse Info
* Sound Card (wave, midi, aux, mix) Info
* MCI Devices (mpeg, avi, seq, vcr, video-disc, wave) Info
* Joystick Info
* Printers Info
* Windows Memory Info
* Windows Info
* Font (Raster, Vector, TrueType, OpenType) Information
* Modem/ISDN TA Information
* Network Information*
* IP Network Information*
* WinSock & Internet Security Information
* Drives Information (Removable Hard Disks, CD-ROM/DVD, RamDrives, etc.)
* Ports (Serial/Parallel) Info
* Remote Access Service Connections (Dial-Up, Internet)*
* OLE objects/servers Info*
* Processes (Tasks) & Threads Info
* Modules (DLL, DRV) Info
* Services & Device Drivers (SYS) Info*
* SCSI, SAS Information*
* ATA, ATAPI, SATA, RAID Information
* Data Sources Information*
* CMOS/RTC Information*
* Smart Card & SIM Card Information*
* Arithmetic Benchmark (including SSE2, SSSE3)
* Multi-Media Benchmark (including MMX, Wireless MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3)
* Multi-Core Efficiency Benchmark
* Power Management Efficiency Benchmark
* File System (Removable, Hard Disks, Network, RamDrives) Benchmark
* Removable Storage/Flash Benchmark
* CD-ROM/DVD Benchmark
* Memory Bandwidth Benchmark
* Cache & Memory Bandwidth Benchmark
* Network/LAN Bandwidth Benchmark
* Internet/ISP Connection Benchmark
* Internet/ISP Peerage Benchmark
* Hardware Interrupts Usage*
* DMA Channel Usage*
* I/O Ports Usage*
* Memory Range Usage*
* Plug & Play Enumerator*
* Hardware registry settings
* Environment settings
* Registered File Types
* Key Applications* (web-browser, e-mail, news, anti-virus, firewall, etc.)
* Installed Applications*
* Installed Programs*
* Start Menu Applications*
* On-disk Programs & Libraries*
* Installed Web Packages* (ActiveX, Java classes)
* System Event Logs*
* Burn-in Wizard* (test computer stability)
* Connect Wizard (connect to remote computers, PDAs, Smart Phones and other devices)
* Combined Performance Index Wizard (overall computer performance score)
* Create a Report Wizard (save, print, fax or e-mail in CIM (SMS/DMI), HTML, XML, RPT or TEXT format)
* Performance Tune-Up Wizard (tune-up computer)
* Environment Monitor Wizard (temperatures, voltages, fans, CPU power, cooling solution thermal resistance, etc.)
* WebUpdate Wizard for automatic version updating
* Tip of the day
* Extensive help file documenting over 600 tips
* Extensive on-line documentation (HTML) with Q & A knowledge base

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27 ноября 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 637  Комментарии: 0  

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