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Wondershare Photo Story Platinum + RUS

Wondershare Photo Story Platinum удобная и качественная программа для создания эффектного слайдшоу со звуком из ваших фотографий. Абсолютная простота в использовании и наличие большого набора функций, красивый и удобный интерфейс выгодно отличают её от программ подобного рода. Имеет около 100 восхитительных тематических шаблона, 12 музыкальный фоновых треков, с возможностью добавлять собственные, несколько анимированных стилей для начала и конца показа, внесение в проект текста и графики, встроенный фоторедактор и оптимизатор кадров, подбор скорости перелистывания и пр. Позволяет сохранение в нескольких цифровых форматах и имеет возможность записи результата на DVD.

Wondershare Photo Story Platinum offers a whole new way to create and share gorgeous animated picture albums. Built-in dazzling templates / themes, excellent intro / end movie, and special decoration make it unprecedented on designing your masterpieces. Wanna show off? Just publish it as any popular format C Macromedia Flash(SWF), iPod / iPhone / Zune video, even author your own DVD.

Wondershare Photo Story Platinum enables you tell your stories with photo movie applied the elaborate designed templates and cool movie-style intros. You can share your personalized movie on DVDs, Web, YouTube, Blog, iPod and other mobile devices! It's so easy to make your elegant photo album just as these samples.

200+ Animated Thematic Themes
Pick your favourite templates from hundreds of them, and match different segments in order to perfect your albums for any occasion. Especially for weddings, birthday party, celebrations, etc.

Various Stylish Intro and End
Perfect your photo album with stylish Intro and End movies. Photo Story platinum offers the user-friendly interface that enables you to customize the caption and text effects.

300+ Decorative Elements
A great amount of personalized decorative elements are provided, such as the flash cliparts, scene effects including snow, flower, music, etc. Write on your captions with amazing text effects.

View and Share Anywhere
Once completed your photos album, can't wait to share it with family and friends. Watch it on TV together with them, or share on YouTube, MySpace, even your mobile devices .

Key features:
1. Import your digital photos to create album
2. 12 built-in music and the ability to add new
3. Nearly 100 delicious themed templates to decorate your album.
4. Several styles of animation beginning and end of the slideshow.
5. Adding text and graphics.
6. Built-in photo editor and optimization of human resources.
7. Selecting the velocity and play.
8. Saving in several digital formats.
9. Burn to DVD
10. Absolute ease of use and many other features.

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26 ноября 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 982  Комментарии: 0  

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