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Софт → Wise Registry Cleaner Pro v4.91 Build 233

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Wise Registry Cleaner Pro v4.91 Build 233

Вышла новая версия Wise Registry Cleaner, чистильщика системного реестра Windows, удаляющего из него ненужную, поврежденную и просто некорректную информацию. После того как Wise Registry Cleaner проанализирует систему, выводится подробный список, где вы сможете при желании лично просмотреть каждую запись и подтвердить или отменить ее удаление. Также WRC может работать в полностью автоматическом режиме. Все изменения, вносимые в реестр, можно отменить, так что всегда можно вернуться к изначальной конфигурации.

При первом запуске утилита предлагает сделать резервную копию всего реестра, чтобы при необходимости его восстановить. В отличие от многих других подобных приложений, данная программа разделяет найденные ошибки реестра на безопасные, которые можно удалять, не опасаясь, что это нанесет вред системе, и такие ошибки, которые могут повлечь за собой нестабильную работу операционной системы. Удаленная информация сохраняется в REG-файл. Присутствует автоматический режим работы, при котором утилита будет самостоятельно запускаться, исправлять ошибки реестра и завершать работу.

Основные возможности:
- Самый безопасный инструмент для очистки реестра из имеющихся на рынке на сегодняшний день
- Быстрая, тщательная и безопасная работа
- Сканирование системного реестра Windows и поиск неправильной и устаревшей информации
- Вывод каждой проблемы отдельной строкой вместе с их описанием
- Автоматический режим очистки реестра
- Откат совершенных действий в системе несколькими щелчками мыши
- Создание резервной копии системного реестра и его восстановление
- Увеличение производительности вашей системы
- Многоязычный интерфейс, включая русский язык (справку на русском можно скачать на оф. сайте)

Wise Registry Cleaner Pro - a professional version of safe tools to clean the registry Windows. The program scans the registry and looks for the incorrect and outdated information, after the removal of which operating system runs more quickly.
Once the program will analyze the problem of your system, you can see yourself every found the problem and see its detailed description. You can automatically correct these problems. All changes to the registry can be lifted in two mouse clicks. Also worth noting that the interface is translated into many languages, including Russian.

Wise Registry Cleaner is a best free registry cleaner and registry optimizer, it speeds up your PC by cleaning your Registry. The PRO version help you improve your PC's performance by optimize your Registry, and it's so easy, you only need make a few clicks. The Registry is at the heart of every Windows computer. The older your PC is, the more junked-up its Registry becomes. Badly written programs (and there are plenty of those around) don't bother to clean the Registry when you uninstall them, and some programs add unnecessary junk to the Registry. The more junked-up your Registry, the more likely it is to crash or to slow down your PC.

This freebie does a neat job of cleaning out the Registry junk. It scans the Registry, flagging orphaned or bad Registry entries, and shows you the name and values for each. It identifies Registry entries that may be dangerous to delete, and those that are safe to delete, so you can distinguish between the two. It also lets you decide which entries to delete, and which to keep. For safety's sake, it can also back up your Registry before a scan, so that you can restore it, if the program causes any problems. Wise Registry Cleaner is one of the safest Registry cleaning tools available in the market today. Its scanning engine is thorough, safe and fast.

Key Features:
• Wise Registry Cleaner is one of the safest Registry cleaning tools available in the market today. Its scanning engine is thorough, safe and fast.
• Wise Registry Cleaner scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the registry. By fixing obsolete information in Windows registry, your system will operate faster and more efficiently.
• After Wise Registry Cleaner analyzes your system for problems, you can view each of the problems found individually and call up a detailed description of each. If you wish, you can also have all problems corrected automatically.
• All changes to your system are monitored by Wise Registry Cleaner and can be undone with a few mouse clicks, so you can use Wise Registry Cleaner without worrying that changes are not reversible.
Improve your PC performance with a few clicks. (This feature is only included in the Professional Edition)

When you first run utility proposes to make a backup of the registry to restore it if necessary. Unlike many other similar applications, this program shares the registry errors found in the safe, which can be removed without fearing that it would damage the system, and these errors that could lead to an unstable operating system. Deleted information is stored in the REG-file. There is an automatic mode, in which the utility will be run independently, fix registry errors and exit.

Key features:
• The safest Registry cleaning tools available on the market today
• Fast, thorough and safe work
• Scan Windows registry and find incorrect and outdated information
• The output of each problem separately, together with their description
• Automatic cleaning mode register
• Rolling back the acts committed in the system a few clicks
• Backing up the registry and its restoration
• Increase productivity of your system
• Multilingual interface, including the Russian language

Language / Language: Multilanguage (a Russian)

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20 ноября 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 493  Комментарии: 0  

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