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RemoveWAT 2.0 Bypass Activate Windows 7

Как известно, механизм активации Windows 7 был взломан ещё до официального выхода этой системы. Но старый метод требовал изменений в BIOS, что является весьма нетривиальной задачей. Сейчас хакеры нашли вариант полного обхода механизма Windows Activation Technologies (WAT) без манипуляций с BIOS'ом и вообще без использования ключа активации.

RemoveWAT “Bypass Activate” Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 Forever (Loader Alternative to Remove & Disable Activation Technologies).Despite already has perfect and reliable Windows 7 activation crack based on royalty-OEM mechanism, hackers have managed to come out with a new activation crack method as an alternative to BIOS loader and OEM BIOS mod, which effectively bypass the activation requirement of the installed Windows 7 system, by removing and disabling Windows Activation Technologies (WAT)..

The hack works to “activate” Windows 7 by bypassing activation altogether, and thus does not require any product key. Previously in Windows Vista, the attempt to permenantly bypass Windows Vista activation by stopping activation grace period countdown timer has been unsuccessful and foiled by Microsoft with anti-crack update.In Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, hackers attempt to block access of Windows Activation Technologies, comprising of SPP (Software Protection Platform) and SLC (Software Licensing Client), which manages and handles licensing and activation matters on the operating system to the core components or files which are required for its operation. By blocking, preventing, removing and disabling access to or loading of the activation and licensing related system files, SLUI will fail to start, causing activation been circumvented and Windows does not need to be activated anymore, for forever and permanently.

2.0 changelog:
Fixed a shutdown issue in Enterprise editions of 7/R2
Fixed a bug causing the watermark to appear sometimes

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16 ноября 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 900  Комментарии: 0  

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