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WnSoft PicturesToExe Deluxe v6.0

Используя PicturesToExe вы сможете легко и быстро создать фотоальбом из ваших фотографий. Программа произведет автономный .exe файл презентации, удобный для отправки по e-mail или записывания на CD диск. К каждому слайду можно добавить текстовый и звуковой комментарий (wav, mp3, wma), а также фоновую музыку (mp3, wma, wav, midi) для всей презентации. Кроме того, PicturesToExe содержит опцию для синхронизации продолжительности показа слайдов ко времени проигрывания музыки. Программа имеет богатую палитру всевозможных настроек, чтобы помочь вам создать неповторимую презентацию! Также PicturesToExe включает эксклюзивные кинематографические эффекты перехода между слайдами.

PicturesToExe Deluxe is the program, which can help you to create splendid slideshows, consisting of almost limitless number of images in executable file for PC and Mac. The interface of PicturesToExe Deluxe is very easy in use, both amateur PC and Mac users and professional photographers and people of all specialities can work in this program without any difficulties. PicturesToExe Deluxe supports different formats such as PNG, GIF, BMP and JPEG, which is the main for this program. A slideshow in executable format can be reproduced on any computer. No additional program, not even PicturesToExe itself, is needed to run a finished slideshow, except a produced executable file. You can place any objects (images, text labels with drop shadows) on a slide and customize complex animation. It’s either possible to use various cinematographic transition effects including 3D effects between slides, to add background music, sound and text comments to a slide and even to customize dialog windows. You can also synchronize slideshows to music. The slideshow has a very high picture quality and the smoothest playback of Pan/Zoom/Rotate effects you have ever seen.

VideoBuilder in PicturesToExe Deluxe edition allows you to burn a DVD-Video disc with your slideshows quickly and easily. You can adjust the menu and many other parameters of your DVD disc. You cannot but notice one more advantage, PicturesToExe gives you an opportunity to create an AVI-Video file, HD Video for PC and Mac and Video for iPhone. You may also publish your slideshows on Youtube and Vimeo. If you think, it's necessary you can protect your slideshow with a password and assign an expiration date. Burned in PicturesToExe DVD-Video disc can be played on any DVD player, PC or MAC.

• PicturesToExe produces single EXE file which contains all pictures and music.
• PicturesToExe Deluxe can burn DVD-Video disc with slide shows.
• Pan/Zoom/Rotate effects for images.
• Powerful editor of objects of a slide with possibility to adjust complex animation.
• You can add buttons or text labels with drop shadow and glow to a slide.
• Cinematographic transition effects between slides.
• Show of slides can be exactly synchronized to music on the timeline with waveform.
• Slide show has built-in player for high quality MP3 and OGG playback. Also it supports WMA, WAV and MIDI music playback.
• Ability to create screen saver.
• Navigation bar in slide show.
• Easy solution for creating of greeting cards.
• Ability to create AVI video file.
• Support of multi-select and visual drag-n-drop between file panel and Slide list.
• Support of sound comments to slides (MP3, OGG, WMA or WAV).
• Images can be in JPEG, PNG, GIF or BMP format.
• Ability to rotate pictures (lossless algorithm).
• Every slide can be individually customized with own time, effect, background, and etc.
• And a number of another features.
• Support for English, Russian, Netherlands, Italian, Swedish, Hungarian, Slovenian, German, Catalan, French, Spanish, Arabic, Romanian, Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Czech, Ukrainian, Slovak languages.

Key features of version 6:
• 3D Effects for Images and Text. A fresh impression to your slideshow by rotating of images, text and other objects in 3D is added.
• Output for Mac. While using PicturesToExe Deluxe 6.0 for Windows you can create slideshows for Mac in the native executable files with the highest picture quality and smoothness of animation effects.
• Multidisplay support. If you connect two displays and click Preview button the program will ask you for the desired monitor for the fullscreen preview of your slideshow.
• Improved Text. A better visual quality of text objects. You can use any unique fonts for executable files of your slideshow now. PicturesToExe will automatically vectorize text objects and text comments and show text with the highest quality at any display resolution.
• New Customizable Startup and Help windows. A slideshow has a new fully customizable Startup window and Help window. You can also create your own dialog windows using Objects and animation editor.
• Border for Images. It's possible to add color border to an Image object and set canvas size for it.
• Editor of Masks. A built-in editor to create masks directly in PicturesToExe for special effects is added.

A full list of new features, changes and bug-fixes:
+ PicturesToExe Deluxe now can create an executable file with a slideshow for Mac. See Create menu.
+ Added 3D transformations for objects. See Objects & animation editor | Animation tab | 3D parameters button.
+ Multidisplay support:
- If you connect two displays and click Preview button the program will ask you for the desired monitor for the fullscreen preview of your slideshow.
- To run already produced EXE file with a slideshow on the second display use a command line parameter -display 2 For example create Runme.bat file in Notepad with the next content: MySlideshow.exe -display 2
+ You can use any unique fonts for EXE file of slideshow now. PicturesToExe will automatically vectorize text objects and text comments and show text with highest quality at any display resolution. It is no need to use "Rasterize to PNG image" option in Objects and animation editor anymore.
+ Vastly improved quality of text rendering.
+ Customizable windows in slideshow. It is possible to use Objects and animation editor to customize these windows.

See Project options | Main tab | "Customize windows" button.
- A new view of Startup window.
- A new view of Help window.
- You can add any number of custom windows to show them in a slideshow. See the new action "Show window" in properties of an object in the Objects and animation editor.
+ Improvements in Objects and animation editor:
- "Adjust Image and Border" tool window is added. See Properties tab of Image object. It's possible to add color border to an Image object and set canvas size for an Image object.
- Simple editor of presets for Masks is added. It is possible to create simple mask image right in PicturesToExe.
- "Edge antialiasing" option for Rectangle objects (Objects and Animation editor, Properties tab) is added.
+ You can assign any icon for your created executable file of a slideshow (including large icons with alpha semi-transparency).
+ Improved font combo box in Objects and animation and in Project options.
+ Optimization for Mask objects when you set Time range is added.
+ An improved view of Open/Save dialogs under Windows Vista and Windows 7.
+ A new option to Shadow properties window - "Shadow for 3D mode" is added.
+ An improved compatibility with Windows 7.
+ Reworked "Download User Guide in PDF" function in the main menu | Help. Now it downloads PDF file directly from PicturesToExe.
+ New icons of PicturesToExe, project file and created exectable file of a slideshow.
+ PicturesToExe will show a text warning if you re-save a project file created in elder version of PicturesToExe.
* Vastly reduced memory usage for Undo/Redo system. Earlier long work with very large slides could cause "Out of memory" error message.
* The bug of previous versions when in spite of "When show ends keep last slide in show on screen" option enabled the first slide might appear again on the screen after last slide after several minutes is fixed.
* Visual defects in Sky style of Navigation bar is fixed.
* The problem with crashing of VideoBuilder if there is no installed DVD writer in PC is fixed.
* A visual bug with statusbar of the main window under Windows 7 in some cases is fixed.
* Improved compatibility with some DVD writers in VideoBuilder.
* A visual bug (v5.5-v5.6) with blurred picture at 150+ ppi screen mode in Windows Vista/7 is fixed.

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11 ноября 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 627  Комментарии: 0  

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