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Софт → Paragon Hard Disk Manager 2009 Pro 32/64 bit

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Paragon Hard Disk Manager 2009 Pro 32/64 bit

Paragon Hard Disk Manager - универсальный комплект утилит для работы с жестким диском, позволяющий выполнять все необходимые операции по управлением жесткими дисками. Он предназначен как для обычных, так и для профессиональных пользователей и позволяет легко и безопасно менять разбиение жесткого диска, менять параметры разделов, а также получать доступ к невидимым разделам (поддерживаются все распространенные операционные и файловые системы).
Еще одна опция - многопроходное затирание данных, позволяющее навсегда удалить всю приватную информацию без какой-либо возможности её восстановления.
Кроме этого, Paragon Hard Disk Manager включает в себя дефрагментатор, а также модуль, позволяющий обеспечить безопасность данных путем создания архивных копий разделов и целых жестких дисков, что делает возможным быстрое - в один клик - восстановление данных при отказе жесткого диска или любых сбоях компьютера.

All the necessary tools you need to manage and maintain your hard drive in one advanced toolset! The professional edition manages your system’s hard drive(s) through every stage of its lifecycle: from placing a new drive into service, setting up real and secured dual boot environment, advanced partitioning without data loss, regular backups of system and data, solving any boot problems, restoring your system from bare metal state and much more.

Key Features:
• Comprehensive wizards to simplify even the most complex operations.
• Previewing the resulting layout of hard disks before actually executing operations (so-called virtual operations).
• Backup/Restore facilities to provide a wide range of opportunities to back up/restore a separate partition or entire hard disk.
• Support of all present day techniques to store backup images:
- Backup to local mounted/unmounted (without drive letter assigned) partitions;
- Backup to a network drive to stand a better chance of success in case of a hard disk failure;
- Backup to external media (CD/DVD) to guarantee a high level of data protection as long as the backup media is kept secure;
- Backup to a special secured place on the hard disk called the Backup Capsule that has an independent system layout (e.g. a separate partition) and will stay operable should the active file system be damaged. To avoid an accidental removing or unauthorized access of the backup data, this partition is hidden and thus cannot be mounted in the operating system.
• Archive database to help the user easily manage backup images (get properties, add, delete, mount, etc.).
• Bootable Backup Capsule to start up the computer from an image contained in the backup capsule Backup Capsule is a specially secured place on the hard disk which is used to store backup images. The backup capsule has an independent system layout (e.g. a separate partition) and is even operable when the active file system is damaged. To avoid a removal or unauthorized access to the data, this partition is hidden and cannot be mounted in the operating system. The content of the backup capsule is only available for browsing when using special software. in case of an operating system corruption.
• Copy partition/hard disk facilities to successfully transfer all on-disk information including standard bootstrap code and other system service structures, thus maintaining the operating system’s working capability. Besides it can be used as another means to back up data.
• Partition/Hard disk management facilities to perform partitioning operations (create, format, delete, convert, move/resize, merge, redistribute, etc.), mount partitions of different file system types, modify file system parameters, providing the ability to successfully migrate operating systems to larger hard disks, optimize the disk system performance (defragmentation), etc.
• Wipe facilities to irreversibly destroy all on-disk information including standard bootstrap code and other system service structures (Wipe function), thus providing high level of security or just destroy any remnants of deleted files/directories left on disk without affecting the used data (Clear Free Space function).
• Advanced automatization facilities to automate operation routines of almost any complexity (Cyclic Backup, Scheduling, Scripting)
• Cyclic Backup and Scheduling are only available for the Windows installation of the program.
• File Transfer Wizard to make such operations as copying of separate files/directories or burning of them to CD/DVD as easy and convenient as possible. It may be of particular use in case of a system malfunction, cased either by a virus attack or files corruption, in order to get the system back on track again. The key advantage of it is that it provides access to Paragon backups as regular folders to browse through their contents or copy required files.
• Volume Explorer is a handy tool when you have different file systems on the disk, whether they contain an operating system or just data. Volume Explorer will let you explore a file system of any type and will provide access to the necessary files and directories regardless of their security attributes.
• Recovery Media Builder to create a bootable media, which can be used to boot your computer in case of an operating system failure. Besides, it gives you such functions as saving data from partitions on your hard disk directly to compact discs and burning ISO-images. The utility supports various formats of laser disks: CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, DVD-R, DVD+R double layer and can handle multi-session burning.
• Network Configuration Wizard to establish a network connection under Linux either to save a backup of a partition/hard disk or just several files on a network computer or retrieve a previously made backup from a network computer for restoration purposes.

New features:
» Full Windows Vista support (32bit and 64bit)
» File-level backup
» File-level complement to image-based backup
» Exclude files and folders from a backup image
» Adaptive Restore with Windows Vista - Restore to completely different hardware
» Blu-ray disc support (BD-R and BD-RE)
» Support of GPT-formatted discs - including resize while restoring
» Apple® BootCamp™ Support
» Dual-boot Backup Capsule with Linux and DOS recovery environments
» Create bootable recovery media on a USB flash drive
» Boot Corrector with BCD support to solve common boot problems
» "Install New OS" Wizard
» MSI Package: Remote and silent installation, software deployment

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6 ноября 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 662  Комментарии: 0  

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