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Collage Maker 3.5

Collage Maker - удобная программа для быстрого создания коллажей. Возможности: создание веб-графики, фотоколлажей и других графических документов, более 80 готовых текстур, поддержка форматов JPG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, WMF, PSP, PSD, сохранение коллажей в JPG, GIF или BMP, маскирование/прозрачность, эффект падающей тени, контроль яркости/контраста, художественное оформление краев документа/фото, цветовые эффекты, преобразование фото в черно-белый вариант, поддержка WMF-формата, масштабирование/вращение фото, функции работы с текстом, функция сглаживания шрифтов и многое другое...

Collage Maker is a tool that simplifies the process of building photo collages. Create eye-catching collages quickly and effortlessly. Select a group of photos and let Collage Maker generate the collage according to your preferences. Holiday and Basic Templates are now available which make it easy to build a Collage for those special events. Collage Maker includes over 300 Ornate Picture Frames, over 200 Textures, Theme Backgrounds, Rubber Stamps, and Masks. Print your collages on your color printer or have them professionally processed at a digital photo center.

Collage Maker Features
Build Collages Effortlessly
Collage Maker is a graphics application that let's you assemble collages quickly and effortlessly. Take photos from a digital camera and create a beautiful collage in minutes.

Holiday Theme Templates
Collage Templates contain predefined themes, such as holiday themes and special events. These Templates simplify the process of creating a theme-oriented collage.

The Auto-Collage feature allows you to take up to 100 digital photos and turn them into a collage. The photos can be tiled in various layouts and effects.

Rubber Stamps
Rubber Stamps are transparent images that can be stamped onto your collage. Collage Maker now includes more Rubber Stamps to perk up your collages.

Ornate Picture Frames
Collage Maker contains more than 300 Ornate Picture Frames that can be used to spice up your photos.

Print or Email your Collage
Collages can be printed to your color printer or emailed to friends or even used as wallpaper.

Collage Maker contains a large assortment of masks that can be applied to your photos to create unique edge effects. Apply drop shadows, halos, rotations, colorize effects, and other effects to your photos.

Enhancements in Version 3.5
Holiday Templates
Collage Maker now includes over 80 Templates with various Holiday Themes and other Special Events. More Templates will be added over time.

Rubber Stamps
We've included more Rubber Stamps in version 3.5. Rubber Stamps are a quick way to embellish a Collage. In version 3.5 you may flip, mirror, move and resize Stamps on the Collage.

We've simplified the Printing in version 3.5. You will find that printing your collage is very straightforward.

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4 ноября 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 697  Комментарии: 0  

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