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Софт → Registry First Aid Platinum 7.1.1 Build 1734 Multilanguage

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Registry First Aid Platinum 7.1.1 Build 1734 Multilanguage

Registry First Aid предназначена для очистки системного реестра операционной системы и, как следствие, оптимизации работы всего компьютера в целом. Утилита ищет неверные, поврежденные или лишние записи в реестре, пытается их исправить, а при невозможности этого - удаляет. Работа с RFA не вызовет трудностей, так как имеется достаточно удобный и понятный визард.

Registry First Aid scans and corrects registry errors. Your WindowsВ® registry will be always clean and correct. Registry First Aid scans registry for orphan file/folder references, invalid font references, obsolete Start Menu items, invalid fonts, shared DLLs, application paths and more... Registry First Aid finds these files or folders on your drives that may have been moved from their initial locations, and then corrects your registry entries to match the located files or folders. In addition, if your registry has links to files of deleted applications, Registry First Aid will find these invalid entries and remove them from your registry. With Registry First Aid, your Windows registry will be always clean and correct, helping your programs load faster and speeding up your computer.

Registry First Aid allows you to:
# find and correct:
* invalid file/folder references
* invalid font entries
* obsolete Start Menu items
* invalid application paths
* invalid registered help files
* invalid shared DLL references
* invalid program references in auto run registry keys
* obsolete and unused software registry entries
* invalid known DLL registry references
* invalid file associations
- search the registry for several strings at once
- defragment registry files
- create registry snapshots, find changes made to the registry and create "undo" and "redo" files for any modified registry key
- review folders where invalid registry keys refer
- review registry entries with RegEdit where invalid items reside
- create full registry backups before any changes, so you can always restore your Windows® registry to its initial state
- create small registry backups of modified registry entries, so you can always restore only modified entries
- restore any particular modified registry entry to its initial state
- search for a modified registry entry in all backup files
- save the list of found invalid entries into a text file
- print the list of found invalid entries
- schedule automatic registry scan
Platinum version also allows to control auto-run programs, installed software, "Open With.." dialog, Browser Helper Objects (BHO), Internet Explorer menus and toolbars. Registry First Aid works with Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista 32-bit registry;

New in version :
* added new excluded keys into the default list;
* language files were updated.
* "Search for Keywords" feature now scans HKEY_USERS instead of HKEY_CURRENT_USER key, (HKEY_USERS key includes HKEY_CURRENT_USER as a subkey with name like S-1-5-21-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-1xxx and all other currently logged in users);
+ new option to hide/show read-only keys in "Search for Keywords" feature independed from "Scan for Registry Errors" feature;
- "Save found keys into a text file" was not working in "Search for Keywords" feature;
- if no errors were found the Error Category checkboxes were locked until user click "Back" to return to the home page;
- fixed freeze while RFA corrects errors under \Classes\HTTP\ and \Classes\HTTPS\ keys;
- some minor problems fixed;

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2 ноября 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 705  Комментарии: 0  

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