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Софт → ZoneAlarm Pro v9.0.083.000

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ZoneAlarm Pro v9.0.083.000

Новая версия ZoneAlarm Pro - хорошо известного файерволла, одного из лучших в мире на сегодняшний день. Защищает компьютер от внешних угроз при работе в интернете и локальной сети. Блокирует атаку, не давая возможность получить доступ к компьютеру пользователя, имеет режим "стелс" невидимки в сети. Перекрывает выход в Интернет шпионским программам для пересылки личной информации. Защищает программы и операционную систему от вредоносного программного обеспечения и пр. Как необязательное дополнение в ZoneAlarm Pro встроена антивирусная Anti-Spyware программы. Интерфейс хоть и на английском языке, но интуитивно понятен и позволяет даже новичку легко освоить основные возможности файерволла, а для специальных настроек и требований имеется апплет "эксперт".

ZoneAlarm protects your sensitive personal and financial data from hacker attacks. It keeps your private information safe from the outside world, and can even track the source of intrusion attempts and map their whereabouts instantly, without exposing your identity or location. For iron-clad firewall protection, choose ZoneAlarm.

Network and Program Firewall
Delivers proactive firewall protection with multiple layers of security that stop inbound, outbound, and program attacks while remaining completely invisible to hackers.

* Guards the network perimeter from inbound and outbound threats with the world's #1 firewall
* Prevents spyware and other malicious programs from sending your personal information across the Internet
* Full stealth mode to keep you concealed from anyone on the Internet
* Protects your programs from malware

Operating System Firewall (OSFirewall™) IMPROVED
This additional layer of security prevents hard-to-remove spyware, including rootkits and kernel-level threats, from getting onto your PC and causing damage.

* Identify and filter over 100,000 applications for constant protection against threats
* Monitor program installation, registry changes and file access down to your PC's core
* Monitor additional program actions for more thorough protection
* Prevents malicious software from damaging files in your core Windows operating system

Identity Theft Protection
While ZoneAlarm continues to secure your identity information on your PC, these new Identity Theft Protection services also prevent identity theft over the Internet and even in the physical world. Learn More

* Stops pre-approved credit card offers, which contain sensitive financial data often used by criminals for identity theft (offered via a credit industry service - US only)
* Detects theft by monitoring both cyberspace and stolen credit card lists from vendors, consumers, and the underground. аlеrts you if your credit cards are
* Provides a low-cost, public records report to аlеrt you of fraud, such as phony DMV records (US only)
* Assists identity theft victims with personal telephone counseling to guide them through resolution and recovery (US only)
* Offers identity theft education and tools to help you prevent, detect and recover from identity theft

Anti-Spyware IMPROVED
More robust detection and removal functions perform deeper scans at every level and purge spyware from your PC.

* Ability to remove even the most persistent, hard-to-find spyware that infiltrate your PC at the core level

Privacy Protection
Manages and blocks pop-up ads, online profiling, cооkiеs, cache, and scripts so you can surf in peace.

Game Mode
One-click control temporarily suppresses most security аlеrts and prevents them from interrupting your fun while maintaining maximum protection for your PC.

Essential Email Security
Quarantines suspicious attachments to help defend against unknown viruses; automatically halts outbound messages to keep you from accidentally infecting others.

Wireless PC Protection
Automatically detects wireless networks and secures your PC from hackers and other Internet threats wherever you're connected - at home or on the road.

SmartDefense™ Service
Provides your PC with real-time security updates, improved response to breaking spyware threats, and new attack protection capabilities.

* SmartDefense Advisor automatically adjusts your security settings for maximum protection against the latest virus and spyware outbreaks
* Includes DefenseNet, an early warning system that gathers data from the ZoneAlarm user community on the latest spyware and malware outbreaks
* Leverages this vast user knowledge by including it in signature updates that protect your PC from the latest spyware attacks

Superior Performance & Compatibility
Allows your PC to run quickly and smoothly.

ZoneAlarm Pro version

* New Browser Security:
o Advanced Download Protection:
+ Detects the latest zero-day threats in downloads that you initiate—before they reach your computer
+ Includes heuristic analysis and program check
+ Can run and analyze download behavior in a virtual environment if necessary
o Spy site detection
o Signature and heuristic phishing detection
o Website safety check and rating

* Program control features to stop advanced security bypass attacks:
o Timing attack protection
o Service control manager protection (not supported on 64-bit and Windows 7)

* Other enhancements:
o Many performance improvements
o Reduced number of unnecessary аlеrts
o Windows 7 ready (Free compatibility update to run on Windows 7 when it is released)

Homepage - http://www.zonealarm.com
Размер: 39.7 MB
Язык: English

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ZoneAlarm Pro v9.0.083.000

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1 сентября 2009    Добавил: alahabuka   Просмотров: 617  Комментарии: 0  

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