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Zemana AntiLogger

AntiLogger обеспечивает очень действенную anti-malware защиту, работая совместно со всеми основными продуктами безопасности.
AntiLogger существенно улучшает вашу безопасность, обеспечивая защиту против самых последних программ шпионов, Rootkits,Trojans, Viruses, Bots, Adware и сборщики паролей - известные как Malware.
Устанавливается за секунды, быстро работает и не мешает вам в дальнейшем. Вы можете посещать любые сайты, зная что теперь ваш компьютер и информация на нем находятся под надежной защитой.

Anti-Logger, developed to thwarts attacks from various kinds of malware threats, proactively protects your "Information Security" without needing a signature-based algorithm by using powerful anti-action methods. Anti-Logger prevents attacks from all known forms of malware which are designed to perform information theft. Anti-Logger uses a proactive and unique way to detect potentially harmful applications which have not already been recognized or identified by anti-virus programs. Consequently, it protects your "Information Security" from a wide range of threats. Anti-Logger employs a brand new and powerful protection method against unknown malwares which cannot be caught by well-known and very commonly used security software. To examine closely the superior power of Anti-Logger, and to test the various protection modules, or to understand how your security software protects your system, visit"simulation test program" pages.
What is Spyware??
Spyware, typically bundled as hidden components of freeware or shareware programs, infects your computer using a variety of methods and attempts to carry out information theft or create system instability. Data is saved secretly and then transmitted to someone else or stored to be transmitted at a later time.
Spyware is the most dangerous type of malware because it attempts to gather information about your credit card numbers, e-mail and msn passwords and other similar types of valuable information. In conjunction with this purpose, Spyware transmits itself to the person concerned and gathers information before replicating itself. So it eludes classical methods from protecting your "Information Security".
What can Spyware do?
Spyware can cause you incredible financial loss because it tries to copy everything in your system. The information gathered about you provides the means for Identity theft by employing various techniques. While performing these methods, hackers will also attempt to gain your private data by using Trojan and Rootkits. A Trojan allows him access to your computer to create a copy of itself into your system. To hide all processes, it uses a Rootkit (a malware designed to be hidden).
By monitoring all communication associated with your computer, a spyware can secretly gather information about your computer usage. A spyware works by logging your keystrokes, taking captures from your webcam, tracking clipboard or logging your browser. Hackers developed many different types of methods in order to monitor every activity of your hardware or software.

Key Features:
- SSL Logger Protection
Prevents theft of data exchanged via secure connections (HTTPS/SSL)
- Key Logger Protection
Prevents all harmful applications from logging your keystrokes(thereby stealing your passwords and account info)
- Screen Logger Protection
Prevents harmful applications from capturing your computer screen.
- WebCam Logger Protection
Prevents any harmful applications from monitoring your Web Camera.
- ClipBoard Logger Protection
Prevents harmful applications from taking snapshots of your clipboard.
- System Defense
Tracks down Windows operating system activity in real-time to prevent detrimental actions from various malware and spyware programs.

Активация|рег код: есть
Язык Интерфейса: Русский / English
Платформа/ОС: windows

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Zemana AntiLogger

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19 августа 2009    Добавил: alahabuka   Просмотров: 490  Комментарии: 0  

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