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Photomatix Pro - очень полезная программа для профессиональных фотографов и продвинутых любителей. Photomatix Pro комбинирует любое число различных кадров в сцене с высокой контрастностью в одно изображение с деталями и всеми тенями. Photomatix Pro - автономная система, которая расширяет динамический диапазон фотографов. Продукт позволяет пользователям смешивать кадры и восстанавливать локальные детали из High Dynamic Range изображений, созданных из многократного экспонирования. В дополнении к Tone Mapping, Photomatix Pro предлагает 6 методов смешивания кадров, поддержку 16-и битов и пакетную обработку данных.
If you have ever photographed a high contrast scene, you know that even the best exposure will typically have blown out highlights and flat shadows. Photomatix offers two ways to solve this problem: Exposure Blending: Merge differently exposed photographs into one image with increased dynamic range. Tone Mapping: Reveal highlight and shadow details in an HDR image created from multiple exposures. The tone mapped image is ready for printing while showing the complete dynamic range captured.
Saving on lighting equipment
Given that most digital cameras can auto-bracket at different exposures, you do not need to acquire expensive lighting equipment -and carry it- when shooting high contrast scenes. Just enable Auto Exposure Bracketing, and let Photomatix merge your photos into an image with extended dynamic range.
Saving time in post-processing
Photomatix Pro is designed for productivity -- automatic blending, unlimited stacking, easy comparison of results and batch processing save hours of masking and layers work in image editing programs.
Taking advantage of your 32-bit images
Have you created a 32-bit HDR image in Photoshop CS2 and could not get a good HDR conversion? The Photomatix Tone Mapping tool may help. See how it compares to Photoshop CS2 HDR conversion.
Great pictures on cloudy days
Shadowless hazy sunlight or an overcast sky usually results in dull-looking photographs. The tone mapping tool of Photomatix Pro can turn them into great-looking images. Check this image as example.
Noise reduction
The Exposure Blending functions of Photomatix Pro merge any number of bracketed photos -- this process is equivalent to image stacking, which tends to reduce noise in the resulting image.
Well exposed panoramas
A panoramic scene is almost always a high contrast scene -- you can't limit your view to areas with the same brightness when shooting a 360° panorama. By taking views under several exposures and processing them in Photomatix Pro, you can create a panorama that will show details in both the dark and bright areas of the scene.
10-Aug-09 - Updated in v3.2.1
- Scrollbars added to tone mapping preview
- Bug fixed: display of images was not color managed
- Bug fixed: When tone mapping a 16-bit image and the preview width is not a multiple of 4, the preview was scrambled at 100% Preview Magnification.
- Bug fixed: Loupe for Tone Mapping preview could have erratic movements when settings changed.
- Bug fixed: On some computer configurations, clicking on the 'Show Original' button resulted in a black preview.
- Bug fixed: warnings were enabled when loading TIFF file with the 64-bit edition.
- Bug fixed: multi-threading support was not enabled when tone mapping from the interface.
- Bug fixed: When the length of the iptc data embedded in an image saved as JPEG was not a multiple of 2, Photoshop returned an error/warning message about corrupted Photoshop data when opening the JPEG file.
- Bug fixed: RLE-compressed 16-bit PSD files could not be loaded.
ОС: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
Интерфейс: English
Размер: 3.29 MB
Регистрация: Serial
10 августа 2009 Добавил:
alahabuka Просмотров: 543 Комментарии: 0
Photomatix Pro - очень полезная программа для профессиональных фотографов и продвинутых любителей. Photomatix Pro комбинирует любое число различных кадров в сцене с высокой контрастностью в одно изображение с деталями и всеми тенями. Photomatix Pro - автономная система, которая расширяет динамический диапазон фотографов. Продукт позволяет пользователям смешивать кадры и восстанавливать локальные детали из High Dynamic Range изображений, созданных из многократного экспонирования. В дополнении к Tone Mapping, Photomatix Pro предлагает 6 методов смешивания кадров, поддержку 16-и битов и пакетную обработку данных.
If you have ever photographed a high contrast scene, you know that even the best exposure will typically have blown out highlights and flat shadows. Photomatix offers two ways to solve this problem: Exposure Blending: Merge differently exposed photographs into one image with increased dynamic range. Tone Mapping: Reveal highlight and shadow details in an HDR image created from multiple exposures. The tone mapped image is ready for printing while showing the complete dynamic range captured.
Saving on lighting equipment
Given that most digital cameras can auto-bracket at different exposures, you do not need to acquire expensive lighting equipment -and carry it- when shooting high contrast scenes. Just enable Auto Exposure Bracketing, and let Photomatix merge your photos into an image with extended dynamic range.
Saving time in post-processing
Photomatix Pro is designed for productivity -- automatic blending, unlimited stacking, easy comparison of results and batch processing save hours of masking and layers work in image editing programs.
Taking advantage of your 32-bit images
Have you created a 32-bit HDR image in Photoshop CS2 and could not get a good HDR conversion? The Photomatix Tone Mapping tool may help. See how it compares to Photoshop CS2 HDR conversion.
Great pictures on cloudy days
Shadowless hazy sunlight or an overcast sky usually results in dull-looking photographs. The tone mapping tool of Photomatix Pro can turn them into great-looking images. Check this image as example.
Noise reduction
The Exposure Blending functions of Photomatix Pro merge any number of bracketed photos -- this process is equivalent to image stacking, which tends to reduce noise in the resulting image.
Well exposed panoramas
A panoramic scene is almost always a high contrast scene -- you can't limit your view to areas with the same brightness when shooting a 360° panorama. By taking views under several exposures and processing them in Photomatix Pro, you can create a panorama that will show details in both the dark and bright areas of the scene.
10-Aug-09 - Updated in v3.2.1
- Scrollbars added to tone mapping preview
- Bug fixed: display of images was not color managed
- Bug fixed: When tone mapping a 16-bit image and the preview width is not a multiple of 4, the preview was scrambled at 100% Preview Magnification.
- Bug fixed: Loupe for Tone Mapping preview could have erratic movements when settings changed.
- Bug fixed: On some computer configurations, clicking on the 'Show Original' button resulted in a black preview.
- Bug fixed: warnings were enabled when loading TIFF file with the 64-bit edition.
- Bug fixed: multi-threading support was not enabled when tone mapping from the interface.
- Bug fixed: When the length of the iptc data embedded in an image saved as JPEG was not a multiple of 2, Photoshop returned an error/warning message about corrupted Photoshop data when opening the JPEG file.
- Bug fixed: RLE-compressed 16-bit PSD files could not be loaded.
ОС: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
Интерфейс: English
Размер: 3.29 MB
Регистрация: Serial
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Photomatix Pro v3.2.1 Final
Photomatix Pro v3.2.1 Final
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