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Ashampoo Magical Snap 3.02 Multilanguage

Ashampoo Snap - программка для снятия скриншотов. Разнообразные методы снятия скриншотов уже ничем удивляют - они есть любой подобной программе... а вот редактор этих скринов в Ashampoo Magical Snap воистину заслуживает уважения. Разнообразные эффекты, нанесение различный затемнений, искажений, эффект карандашного рисунка, наложение стрелок, надписей, пояснений, изменение размера, поворот и многое другое...

Capture, enhance and edit: Make professional screenshots easily! The new Ashampoo Magical Snap is the successor to the popular Ashampoo SnapYa!. In addition to the powerful screen capture capabilities that made SnapYa! such a success the new version adds new editing and effects tools with a uniquely simple user interface. You have to see it to believe it – graphics editing has never been this easy!

Anybody can now make pro-quality screenshots that look like they were finished by a graphics designer. Most of the time you won’t even need to do any editing at all, because the program can apply effects like drop shadows and torn paper edges to produce stylish results on the fly.
After you capture the screenshot the new editing interface opens automatically. If you’re satisfied with the results you just select one of the one-click tools to save your screenshot, send it by email, copy it or print it.

Three different capture modes:

* Window or control, including non-rectangular shapes
* Predefined area, specify width and height of capture rectangle
* Free region, drag with the mouse to capture any area of the screen


* Perform multiple captures without restarting

Tight integration:

* Auto-monitors Windows built-in snapshot key for quick’n’easy capture
* Supports capture of exclusive full screen content

Apply effects on the fly while capturing:

* Smooth graphical drop shadows
* Capture mouse pointer with special effects
* Apply shape effects (e.g. torn paper edge)

Screenshot editing tools:

* One-click functions for save, erase, keep, copy, print and email
* Cut, crop or pixelize selections
* Rotate left/right
* Resize image
* Resize image canvas
* Unlimited undo/redo

Super-easy MouseTools for high-quality effects:

* Add text (using all available fonts and colors)
* Draw arrows (choice of styles and colors)
* Draw shapes (rectangle, ellipse, transparent, opaque)
* Felt pen drawing tool
* Spotlight effect (focus attention on one area)
* Highlight area (make an area stand out)

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10 июля 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 635  Комментарии: 0  

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