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Софт → TurboFTP 6.00 Build 730

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TurboFTP 6.00 Build 730

Вышла новая версия TurboFTP - FTP-клиента с широкими функциональными возможностями, с помощью которого можно легко производить передачу файлов через Интернет. Программа имеет интуитивно понятный и настраиваемый интерфейс. Она позволяет передавать файлы размером более 4 Гб, устанавливать ограничение по скорости, устанавливать передачу только тех файлов, которые обновились с момента последней загрузки. Кроме этого, при помощи программы можно сравнивать содержимое локальной и удаленной папки, устанавливать очередность передачи данных. TurboFTP поддерживает брандмауэры, в том числе HTTP proxy, SOCKS 4, SOCKS 4a и SOCKS 5, а также защищенные соединения SSL/TLS, в том числе implicit и explicit SSL.

TurboFTP is a secure FTP client program (supports FTP over SSL/TLS and SFTP over SSH2) for Windows 9x/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003. It allows you to transfer files (upload or download) at turbo speed between your computer and virtually any FTP server with exceptional ease and when necessary, with strong encryption of industrial strength. The built-in Folder Synchronizer provides straightforward, visual and recursive comparison result and helps you synchronize files and directories between local and remote folders with minimum effort. Scheduled file transfer and automated folder synchronization can be easily achieved with the built-in Task Scheduler. You can have an notification e-mail sent to you upon completion of each schedule task or by error. It automatically attempts to resume broken transfer, redial and reconnect after detected lost of connection.With an intuitive user interface, a wealth of features and secure file transfer capability, TurboFTP is the right software tool for tasks like uploading Web site, scheduled file synchronization and backup, and mission critical corporate file transfers.TurboFTP Sync Service Module provides a scalable and high-performance FTP file replication service based on TurboFTP's proven technology, helping you destribute data across network efficiently and securely.

TurboFTP Key Features :
• Sync Service Module. Run schedule tasks in NT service. Support dependency of tasks, multiple simultaneous schedule tasks and different dialup connection for individual site. Run programs before and after a schedule task.
• Auto Upload New Files and/or Updated Files in Local Folder. Watch a local folder and automatically upload any new files dropped in it and/or updated files. This feature can be run as NT service in Sync Service Module.
• Security. Secure FTP file transfer protected with SSL(Secure Socket Layer, including implicit/explicit SSL) and TLS(Transport Layer Security). Support SFTP over SSH2. Support OTP S/Key (MD4, MD5) password encryption.
• Schedule File Transfer. Built-in Task Scheduler to schedule file transfer schedule and automated folder synchronization. Send E-mail report upon compete.
• Folder Synchronizer. Offers visual real-time comparison of local and FTP directory structures, helps you synchronize, backup files and directories with minimum efforts.
• MODE-Z support and Built-in Compress/Decompress Utility. Support on-the-fly data compression using MODE-Z. You can also extract and create archives in Zip, GZip or Tar formats in TurboFTP.
• Strong interruption and stall protection. Backed by Auto Dial, Smart Keep Alive, Auto Reconnect and broken transfer resume.
• Firewall/Proxy support. Get through firewall and proxy servers including HTTP Proxy, SOCKS 4/4a/5.
• Large file support. Support files larger than 2Gb on FAT32 and files larger than 4Gb on NTFS file system.
• Intuitive. Upload files right from Windows Explorer with the powerful Upload Wizard. Connection Wizard for absolute novice. One-click access to any folder with bookmarks.

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30 июня 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 1 550  Комментарии: 0  

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