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Dynamic Photo HDR 4.4 Retail - FOSI

Компания Mediachance выпустила новую версию программы Dynamic PHOTO HDR которая позволяет преобразить ваши фотографии , за счет выравнивания цвета , яркости и контрастности. После оптимизации ваши снимки станут более четкими и реалистичными. Программа расчитана так же на обработку динамических снимков , убирает муар и лишние детали благодаря снимкам с различной экспозицией.

Company Mediachance released a new version of the Dynamic PHOTO HDR v3.41 that allows transform your photos by aligning colors, brightness and contrast. After optimizing your images will become more clear and realistic. The programme is also designed to process dynamic images appear and removes extra details through images with different exposure.


* Easy to understand software with super fast preview
* Powerful Auto-Aligning, Manual or Auto-Assist Aligning of images with an innovative Pin Warping that can correct all types of misalignment, including camera roll, pitch or yaw
* Anti-ghosting mask that can completely eliminate ghosting of moving objects
* Various tone mapping procedures that can create a whole range of images - from smooth photographic tone mapping to very dramatic images
* Load and save HDR files
* Works with most RAW camera formats
* Support for 360 Panoramic images
* Batch Processing to add images to queue and then process them all at once
* Live HDR preview during various steps, you can see tonemapped image preview even before you create HDR! Live HDR preview instantly shows the tone-mapped result
even before you create HDR file.
* Dynamic Photo HDR has already few very interesting build-in filters for Orton Effect or to create eye-catching B/W photos.
* You can use new Pseudo-HDR process on a single 8-bit source. New Pseudo HDR process can convincingly create HDR tone mapping on a single 8-bit source.
* Our new real-time Light Tuner will let you change the Tone-Mapped effect and see the feedback result immediately as you move the Light Orb, without any calculation
* You can create fine-tuned Black and White shots with the B/W channel Mixer
* More cool effects such as Vignette or Mysterious light.
* Color Correction using Kelvin parameters with preview table.
* Match Color will allow you to match your new tonemapped image to any other photo or painting. Match Color can match your image to another image colors. Here shown also with Mysterious Light Color Filter.
* Pin Warping . Aligning image taken by hand is not any big problem in our software. The unique Pin Warping method can align even most stubborn images where camera shifted, changed roll, pitch or yaw.
* Anti-Ghosting Mask. If an object moved while you were taking different shots, this would normally create a "ghost" on the final image. We added a powerful yet very simple to use anti-ghosting mask feature. Just paint over all instances of the moved objects (you don't even have to be very precise!) and it will without trace completely eliminate the ghosts from the final image. In Full version you can use Live HDR function. Just press Quick Preview button that will almost instantly show you the result HDR image with the anti-ghosting mask applied.

Homepage - http://www.mediachance.com
Размер:11.90 MB
Интерфейс: English

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Dynamic Photo HDR 4.4 Retail - FOSI

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23 июня 2009    Добавил: alahabuka   Просмотров: 753  Комментарии: 0  

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