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Alchemy Mindworks Pagan Daybook 3 5.0a26

Англоязычный языческий ежедневник-календарь. Показывает дату (по современному стилю), фазу луны, время, а также информирует о том, что за событие отмечалось в этот день в языческие времена. Может работать в качестве заставки.

Pagan Daybook 3 is a calendar to keep track of the days of the week, the ancient and modern tides and the pagan festivals and observances that fall on each day of the year. Far more interesting than a conventional calendar, it's something unique to put in the Startup group of Windows, or use as your screen saver. Never again miss another solstice... or, perhaps more importantly, another saturnalia.

Pagan Daybook 3 features an extensive database of listings — with five or six thousand years of civilization to draw on, it has at least one observance for every day of the year — full color graphics, an integrated screen saver, animation, user-configurable entries, selectable themes and various bits of magick. It includes a searchable calendar to allow you to query the database of observances.

WARNING: This software contains references to pagan beliefs and details from classical paintings in which some of the subjects aren't wearing very much. If this sort of thing offends you, please do not download Pagan Daybook 3.

* Display the current day in the pagan calendar, with graphics, animation and other lore.
* Show you the current phase of the moon.
* Provide you with a perpetual calendar for any year from 1583 through the middle of the twenty-sixth century.
* Browse its database to let you look up the entry for any day of the year.
* Allow you to create personal days to override its text and graphics with entries of your own.
* Apply themes to configure Pagan Daybook to your liking.
* Display itself as a Windows screen saver.
* Keep itself interesting by changing its appearance periodically.
* Optionally play your choice of music when it's visible, or when it's blanking your screen.
* Offer you an unlimited source of convincing, documentable excuses to knock off work.

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18 июня 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 667  Комментарии: 0  

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