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BWMeter 4.3.7

Лучшая из утилит подсчета трафика. Настраиваемые фильтры для разделения трафика по портам и ip-адресам. И в то же время - очень простой интерфейс. Программа по умолчанию разделяет трафик на локальный и интернетовский, что и требуется в 90% случаев. Умеет выводить графики по каждому из фильтров. Показывает отчеты за день, неделю, месяц и год. Благодаря гибкости настроек может быть использована для подсчета трафика каждого из нескольких компьютеров, находящихся в одной сети, будучи установленной только на одном из них (зависит от конфигурации сети)

BWMeter is a powerful bandwidth meter, monitor and traffic controller, which measures, displays and controls all traffic to/from your computer or on your network. Unlike other products, it can analyze the data packets (where they come from, where they go, which port and protocol they use). This makes it possible to distinguish between local and internet traffic for example. BWMeter can also be used for traffic control by setting a speed limit for all kinds of connections or restricting access to certain internet sites. It creates statistics for all computers in your network, measuring and displaying all LAN traffic as well as download / upload from the internet. You can even define filters which show your transfer with certain internet addresses (e.g. to see how much data you download from your favorite news server). BWMeter is ideal for home users to get an overview of how much bandwidth they use, as well as small to large businesses, where one computer can control the traffic and maintain the statistics of downloaded / uploaded data of all computers in the network. The product is easy to configure and offers a rich set of options and features for beginners as well as experts and network administrators.

Key Features
* Graphical and numerical display of bandwidth
* User definable filters for measuring bandwidth
* User definable graphs to visualize bandwidth
* Can monitor all network interfaces / adapters
* Can monitor and display all traffic on the network
* Traffic control, access control and speed limits
* Creates daily, weekly, monthly and yearly statistics
* Shows statistics of other computers running BWMeter
* аlеrts and notifications
* Creates statistics of all local network and internet traffic
* Shows hostile internet traffic (hackers, viruses, etc.)
* Statistics can be exported / imported
* Easy installation and configuration with default options
* Supports LAN, WAN, VPN, ADSL, xDSL, Modem, Dial-Up, etc.
* Can run as a Service (Windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003 only)
* Absolute flexibility
* Many options for full customization
* Now with full 64 bit support!

* BWMeter is based on WinpkFilter network drivers.

Supported operating systems:
* Windows 2000
* Windows XP
* Windows XP x64
* Windows Vista
* Windows Vista x64
* Windows Server 2003
* Windows Server 2003 x64
* Windows Server 2008
* Windows Server 2008 x64

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18 июня 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 890  Комментарии: 0  

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