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Ultra Recall Professional

Ultra Recall Professional - это современный трансфертный информационный менеджер для решения широкого спектра задач по захвату поступающих информационных данных и документов, их сохранению, классификации и упорядочению на основе "дерева элементов". Всего того, с чем вы сталкиваетесь в своей работе, всего, что прошло через ваши руки, и что вас заинтересовало! Это могут быть контакты, документы, веб-страницы, PDF, интересная информация, справочники, менеджер софта с описанием и т д. и т п., - все, что можно себе только представить. В продукте очень много, как привычных, так и непривычных возможностей. Например, полнотекстовый поиск не ограничивается страницами HTML, а включает также файлы PDF и офисных приложений и многое другое.

Easily capture website data from the internet or content from the local file system, including web pages, Microsoft Office documents, email messages, contacts, notes, appointments, newsgroup posts, images, text, and more. In addition to storing the original document location, the page's icon and the full content of the document can be permanently stored and keyworded so that no information will be lost even if the document disappears from the internet or is deleted.

Keep Everything in One Place
Any web page, document, image, note, or text can be added to Ultra Recall and then easily organized, edited, annotated, and recalled when needed.

Easy Navigation of Data and Documents
For easier personal information management, a host of capabilities are provided to quickly navigate your data: a complete forward/back history of recently viewed items, favorites for defining and accessing frequently used items, auto-completion and history for input fields, searching on popular or recently used items, and more.

As personal information and documents are added and modified in Ultra Recall, unlimited undo and redo is available for all changes that are made.

Automatic Management of Metadata
Attributes about each piece of information, such as its icon, creation date, last access date, access count, source URL, summary properties, etc., are automatically managed by Ultra Recall.

Logical Linking
Rather than being limited to a single hierarchy of information, this document manager lets you link items in multiple locations via drag/drop or copy/paste, allowing information to be organized however you desire.

Item Flags and Reminders
When adding important files, web pages, contacts, projects, tasks, notes, and more, they can be flagged with a variety of colors, and any item can display a recurring reminder.

Advanced Search Capabilities
Extensive search capabilities are provided, including Quick search as well as Advanced search, with AND, OR, grouping, and much more.

Extensive Keyboard Accessibility
Customizable keyboard shortcuts are provided for nearly all functionality, and this document manager is fully usable by keyboard or mouse users (or any combination).

Secure everything stored in an Ultra Recall Info Database with a single password.

Fast, Fast, Fast
Ultra Recall was designed from the ground up to provide optimal performance. Because this personal information management tool is a native Windows application and is not dependent on .NET or Java, it starts and runs very quickly, and it operates well even on older hardware. Most searches are indexed and will usually be nearly instantaneous, and because of the high-performance embedded database engine, performance remains strong even as the database grows.

Уважаемый посетитель вы вошли на сайт как незарегистрированный пользователь. Мы рекомендуем вам зарегистрироваться либо войти на сайт под своим именем.

11 июня 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 472  Комментарии: 0  

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