Софт → Nature Illusion Studio Professional 3.12
Скачать бесплатно Nature Illusion Studio Professional 3.12

Nature Illusion Studio поможет Вам превратить обычные снимки в прекрасные анимированные пейзажи. Программа позволяет накладывать разные графические и звуковые эффекты, и затем конвертировать результат в экранную заставку, исполняемый файл, анимированный рисунок или видео-файл. Загружаете свою любимую фотку с пейзажем, выделяете с помощью масок области, которые нужно оживить (напр. поверхность водоема, ручей, водопад и т.д.), добавляете звук (шум прибоя, пение птиц, журчание воды), можно добавить падающий снег или дождь. Вобщем, теперь вы можете самостоятельно создавать скринсэйверы профессионального качества, делать автоские анимированые GIF на основе ваших фото.
Nature Illusion Studio allows you to apply various effects such as water, weather, or sound effects on any image to emulate various natural phenomena. With the combination of both visual and sound effects, you can produce very realistic animated nature scenes such as waterfalls, lakes, or seas. Finally you can save your creation as screensavers, executables, animated GIF's, or AVI's and share it to your friends.
Make photo live
A photo restricts your excitement from holidays spent at the seaside or near a waterfall to flat, two-dimensional images. Nature Illusion Studio lets you go beyond these physical restrictions and make a self-made animated scene, which can bring the original spirit and excitement of the holiday back to life.
Realistic natural effects
All visual effects have been recreated with accurate physics, so ripples on the water or subtle movements of the air look and behave just like they might in the physical life.
Share to others
The best thing is that you can share your excitement with others. You can create a screensaver and present it as a gift to your beloved or friend, publish it on your website and let your guests or customers download it for free.
Superb result
The end result is a superbly lifelike and atmospheric presentation that can be saved as a screensaver, a standalone executable, an AVI or animated GIF file and distributed to other people, who can admire your creation.
• Apply up to 6 water effects to a single image.
• Add Animated Objects to image. Supports animated GIF.
• Add weather effects snow and rain.
• Add sound effects such as birds, cricket, water sounds up to 8 channels.
• A library of water presets for various effects, including Waterfall, Lake, River, Fire, Fog, etc.
• Auto View mode provides you with instant feedback on your changes in real time.
• Save your creation as a screensaver, executable file, GIF or AVI file.
• Created nature scenes can be used in Water Illusion Screensaver, or Ace Pro Screensaver Creator
• Works with Windows Vista, XP, 2000, ME, NT, 98, 95
9 июня 2009 Добавил:
Hengmen Просмотров: 584 Комментарии: 0

Nature Illusion Studio поможет Вам превратить обычные снимки в прекрасные анимированные пейзажи. Программа позволяет накладывать разные графические и звуковые эффекты, и затем конвертировать результат в экранную заставку, исполняемый файл, анимированный рисунок или видео-файл. Загружаете свою любимую фотку с пейзажем, выделяете с помощью масок области, которые нужно оживить (напр. поверхность водоема, ручей, водопад и т.д.), добавляете звук (шум прибоя, пение птиц, журчание воды), можно добавить падающий снег или дождь. Вобщем, теперь вы можете самостоятельно создавать скринсэйверы профессионального качества, делать автоские анимированые GIF на основе ваших фото.
Nature Illusion Studio allows you to apply various effects such as water, weather, or sound effects on any image to emulate various natural phenomena. With the combination of both visual and sound effects, you can produce very realistic animated nature scenes such as waterfalls, lakes, or seas. Finally you can save your creation as screensavers, executables, animated GIF's, or AVI's and share it to your friends.
Make photo live
A photo restricts your excitement from holidays spent at the seaside or near a waterfall to flat, two-dimensional images. Nature Illusion Studio lets you go beyond these physical restrictions and make a self-made animated scene, which can bring the original spirit and excitement of the holiday back to life.
Realistic natural effects
All visual effects have been recreated with accurate physics, so ripples on the water or subtle movements of the air look and behave just like they might in the physical life.
Share to others
The best thing is that you can share your excitement with others. You can create a screensaver and present it as a gift to your beloved or friend, publish it on your website and let your guests or customers download it for free.
Superb result
The end result is a superbly lifelike and atmospheric presentation that can be saved as a screensaver, a standalone executable, an AVI or animated GIF file and distributed to other people, who can admire your creation.
• Apply up to 6 water effects to a single image.
• Add Animated Objects to image. Supports animated GIF.
• Add weather effects snow and rain.
• Add sound effects such as birds, cricket, water sounds up to 8 channels.
• A library of water presets for various effects, including Waterfall, Lake, River, Fire, Fog, etc.
• Auto View mode provides you with instant feedback on your changes in real time.
• Save your creation as a screensaver, executable file, GIF or AVI file.
• Created nature scenes can be used in Water Illusion Screensaver, or Ace Pro Screensaver Creator
• Works with Windows Vista, XP, 2000, ME, NT, 98, 95
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