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Super Utilities Pro 9.48

Новая версия замечательного твикера. Super Utilities Pro включает в себя целое собрание инструментов для оптимизации работы вашей системы (28 утилит). К традиционным функциям типа: очистка реестра и диска от мусора, удаление программ, редактирование меню Пуск, настройка IE, разгон памяти и т. д. прилагаются и более оригинальные: установка пароля на EXE файлы, восстановление удаленных файлов, выключение и перезагрузка системы по расписанию, удаление вредных насекомых (SpyWare, AdWare, Трояны, Кейлогеры) и еще много такого всякого прочего разного. Включает в себя такие утилиты как: Disk Cleaner, Registry Cleaner, Uninstall Plus, StartUp Manager, Folder Guard, Tracks Washer, Driver Backup, Auto Shutdown, Windows Manager и Process Manager. Имея такой мощный инструмент с простым интерфейсом, ваша система всегда будет в надлежащем состоянии.

Super Utilities Pro offers 27 tools for fixing, speeding up, maintaining, and protecting your PC. It encompasses four suites of utilities: system cleaner, privacy protector, system maintenance, and special utilities. System Cleaner features a spyware-removal component as well as tools for cleaning your disk and the registry, and for performing routine maintenance tasks.

Full service for your windows PC
* Super Utilities offers 28 tools for cleaning,fixing, speeding up, maintaining, and protecting your PC.
* System Cleaner: Make your PC faster, more stable, and more efficient by cleaning and optimizing your hard drive, memory, software, and Windows Registry.
* Security Doctor: Protect your PC from thousands of potential spyware, adware, trojans, keyloggers and tracking threats.
* Privacy Protector: Keep your sensitive information safe from prying eyes.
* System Maintenance: Easily perform complicated system maintenance tasks, and keep your computer running quickly and smoothly.
* Special Tools: More easy-to-use tools that make your computing safer and more efficient.
* More windows utilities will be added.

- Disk Cleaner. Get rid of junk files on your PC
- Registry Cleaner. Clean and optimize your system registry
- Uninstall Plus. Completely uninstall any software
- Memory Turbo. Recover, defragment, & optimize system memory
- Shortcuts Repairer. Find and fix broken shortcuts
- Spyware Removal. Remove spyware, adware, trojans, and keyloggers
- StartUp Organizer. Start-up Windows faster
- Super Task Manager. Take control of all running processes
- Service Manager. Take control of all windows services
- BHO Cleaner. Remove unwanted browser helper objects
- IE Password Manager. Manage passwords and AutoComplete strings of IE
- Hide Folder. Hide your files and folders
- Tracks Washer. Cover the tracks you leave behind
- IE Privacy Manager. Manage typed URLS and history items of IE
- Super ExeLock. Password protect your programs
- Super Shredder. Securely delete sensitive information
- SuperMenu Guard. Protect favorite sites and start menu
- Windows Manager. Tailor windows to meet your individual needs
- IE Protector. Protect the settings of Internet Explorer
- Driver Backup. Grab all of your drivers, and store them for you in a safe place
- File Type Manager. A sophisticated file type management tool
- Windows Tools. Several essential utilities of windows
- System Information. Gather information about your hardware and software
- Auto Shutdown. A complete shutdown, restart, and logoff manager
- Folder Analyzer. Find out where all your hard drive space went
- Super Undelete. Recover deleted files
- Super Shell. A unique handy collection of tools
- Super Mounter. Mount ISO file as virtual CD-ROM

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21 мая 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 630  Комментарии: 0  

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