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CleanMyPC Registry Cleaner v4.22

Утилита сканирует реестр Windows, находит неверную или устаревшую информацию в записях реестра и исправляет ее, позволяя системе работать быстрее. CleanMyPC Registry Cleaner имеет функцию создания резервных копий всего реестра, с помощью которой можно восстановить текущее состояние, если вдруг внесенные изменения нарушат работу системы. Кроме этого в утилите имеется менеджер автозапуска и объектов модулей поддержки (BHO) браузера Internet Explorer.

CleanMyPC Registry Cleaner v4.22

The Windows registry is a database repository for information about a computer's configuration. The registry keep growing when you use Windows. As it does so, it attracts obsolete and unnecessary information, and gradually becomes cluttered and fragmented. With the growing of the registry, it can degrade the performance of the whole system and cause many weird software problems. To keep your computer in top performance, it is recommended to periodically clean your Windows registry with a reliable and efficient Registry Cleaner. CleanMyPC Registry Cleaner is just what you need!

CleanMyPC™ Registry Cleaner - clean registry and boost Windows performance!
CleanMyPC™ Registry Cleaner scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the registry. By fixing these obsolete information in Windows registry, your system will run faster and error free. The backup/restore function of the tool let you backup your whole Windows Registry so you can use it to restore the registry to the current status in case you encounter some system failure. Besides above, the startup and BHO organizer feature let you manage your startup and IE BHO items with ease, and you can control the programs started with Windows and IE more handy with this feature!

In short, CleanMyPC™ Registry Cleaner help you get rid of the bloat in Windows registry and achieve a cleaner, faster system.

Main Registry Cleaner Features:
- Automatic Registry Scanning and Cleanup
- Backup and Restore the full Registry
- Registry Defrag and Registry Compact
- Tracks Eraser feature for privacy protection
- Startup Organizer
- IE BHO Organizer
- Improve system performance
- Remove Trojan which utilize startup items and IE BHO

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12 мая 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 637  Комментарии: 0  

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