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Софт → SWF Decompiler Premium v2.0.5.7

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SWF Decompiler Premium v2.0.5.7

SWF Decompiler Premium - программа позволяет экспортировать Fla-данные, которые можно легко редактировать в родной среде Flash и конвертировать между .swf и .exe форматами. Все компоненты - изображения, звуки, скрипты, тексты, формы, фреймы, шрифты, кнопки и спрайты будут полностью экспортированы. Программа поделена на две части - в первой части вы выполняете все операции с файлами (открытие, редактирование и многое другое), во второй половине проигрыватель, с помощью которого вы сможете просмотреть не только flash-ролик, но и другие компоненты flash (картинки, звуки, шрифты, формы и т.д.) - довольно таки удобно при работе.

Ключевые особенности:
Полная конвертация между SWF и EXE с высоким качеством результата
Экспортирование FLA-данных и ресурсов из любой флэшки
Редактирование динамическых текстов и картинок конкретной флэшки
Изменение цвета фона в любом SWF-файле
Детальная информация о каждом элементе флэшки
Обзор и предпросмотр любого компонента перед экспортированием

Sothink SWF Decompiler is a professional tool to convert SWF to FLA fully and extract elements from SWF into variable formats. Compatible with all SWF versions and converted FLA is from version 6.0 to version 8.0. You can get the fully FLA file including linkage, components, *.as, etc. Also you can choose to extract ActionScripts as txt or bin, sounds as mp3 or wav, images as jpg or bmp or png, videos as flv, shapes as gls, frames/fonts/texts/buttons/sprites as swf to your local computer after an SWF is decompiled. Both SWF and EXE (Flash project) files are supported. Sothink SWF Decompiler provides a user-friendly interface. A built-in player enables you to preview the movie and every element before exporting. And you can customize the interface layout to meet your needs. To make SWF Decompiler even more appealing, SWF Catcher is offered freely. It is a free tool that can capture Flash movies you are viewing in Internet Explorer or Firefox. All we have done and to do are to make SWF Decompiler the best professional and keep pioneer!

* Converts SWF to FLA completely and quickly.
* Decompiles Flash Movie (swf, exe) successfully.
* SWF in all versions can be decompiled and converted to FLA(6.0 or 7.0 or 8.0 ).
* Supports exporting the Flash movie file (SWF or exe) in FLA format, compatible with Flash 6, Flash 7 and Flash 8.
* Decompiles, displays and extracts all Flash movie elements in groups, such as Shape, Morph Shape, Image, Sound, Font, Text, Sprite, Button, Frame and Action.
* Can extract the shapes, sounds, images, sprites, fonts, texts and ActionScript from a Flash movie.
* Can extract the video file from a Flash movie and export it in *.flv format.
* Supports converting swf that contains video to FLA.
* Supports ActionScript 2.0 fully.
* Shows the Script code neatly within the program and can export the ActionScript code while converting the swf to FLA.
* Supports exporting ActionScript in .as format.
* Support converting the swf that contains components to fla file.
* Supports expanding the sprite frame by frame.
* Includes font linkage in the converted FLA.
* To avoid the movie font is missed in other computer, Sothink SWF Decompiler can convert all found letters to shapes and save them in Library so that you can get the same font result on any computer.
* Has a built-in Flash viewer to view and play the Flash movies you select.
* User-friendly Explorer-like interface.
* Supplies SWF Catcher for Firefox and IE.

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9 мая 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 612  Комментарии: 0  

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