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Софт → H264WebCam 3.5

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H264WebCam 3.5

H264WebCam это программа уаленного наблюдения через веб камеру. Она имеет улучшенный видео алгоритм обнаружения движения и различные виды сигналов тревоги, включая электронную почту, FTP и звук. Обрабатывает до 30 кадров в секунду от USB камеры. Программа записывает файлы в формате AVI или MPEG и вы сможете просматривать их в Windows Media плеере или Real Player. Вы можете использовать режим записи вручную, запись по расписанию или запись движения.

H264 WebCam is a 8-channel h264 remote video surveillance software for Windows. This software has an advanced video motion detection algorithm along with various аlеrt functions including Email, FTP, and sound. It can handle up to 8-channels of video input and 8-channels of audio input, capturing images at up to 30 frames per second from directly connected cameras (both USB and analog), TV boards, capture cards, network ip camera etc. This webcam software uses an H264 video encoder, an AAC audio encoder, etc. High quality video and audio effects with low bandwidth needs and recording file formats include MP4, MOV, FLV, SWF or AVI. These standardized file formats can played with Windows Media Player or Real Player. Manual recording is available, along with scheduled recordings as well as motion-triggered recording. JPEG image snapshots can be made from video images along with detailed log files.

• You can Monitor your home or office as a Surveillance System.
• After you buy deluxe version, your register code will be your unique ID. You can apply a H264 User Name like as "Mike" , so other people can connect "Mike" in spite of your ip, dynamic ip, or ip changes when program running, "Mike" is always effective !
• Embedded web server, can directly watch your remote camera via IE browser, Quicktime, Realplayer etc.
• Capture images up to 30 frames per second from USB and analog cameras, TV boards, capture cards, network ip camera etc.
• Multiple cameras support, multiple video display, Simultaneous recording and broadcasting to internet, and help you to create web page.
• Support 16 video input and 16 audio input.
• Add camera captions, and date/time OSD on each video frame.
• Record and Broadcasts H264, H263, XVID, MPEG4, MPEG2, FLV video.
• Record and Broadcasts AAC, MP3 audio.
• Record to AVI, MP4, MOV, PSP, FLV, SWF files.
• Performs Live Recording that allows rewind and playback recorded content at any time.
• Records video when a motion is detected.
• Sends alarm e-mail and ftp upload image when motion detected.
• Auto audio alarm when a motion is detected.
• Allows to define the active area for motion detection in 64 regions.
• Allows to start record manually.
• Has a comprehensive scheduler to auto record.
• Select record disk driver and arbitrarily combine.
• Checks the available space on hard drive and stops recording or automatical overlay if there is no available space.
• User name and password to login remote camera from net, user 's privilege manage.
• Auto restore the disconnected net connection.
• Has feature to limit number of camera viewers.
• Snapshot a jpeg image at any moment.
• Adjust video color manually or set to default.
• Full screen display camera 's video, multiple channel or single channel.
• Search log information and help file arbitrarily.
• Select either channel 's audio to listen, mute or unmute audio.
• Stealth mode makes the program completely invisible only display icon in the sys tool tray.

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5 мая 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 581  Комментарии: 0  

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