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Софт → XYplorer 7.90.0250

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XYplorer 7.90.0250

XYPlorer - продвинутый файловый менеджер, работающий под Win98/NT/ME/2000/XP/Vista, достойная замена проводнику Windows, с поддержкой вкладок. Мощный поисковый механизм; предосмотр мультимедийных файлов (графика, аудио, видео); HEX и ASCII вьюер файлов; работа с mp3-тегами; широкие возможности для визуализации (выделение цветом избранных папок и пр.); формирование фильтров отображения файлов; экспорт информации о файлах в CSV формат и многое другое. XYplorer не оставляет записей в реестре, поэтому возможна работа со сменных носителей, например с флешки.

XYplorer is an Advanced File System Explorer targeting everybody who is looking for a real alternative to the Windows Explorer. It has the following features: Created Date, Last Accessed Date and Attributes are shown right in the file list. Extended file find supporting NT-only features, and including binary string search. Multiple location search (find files in all selected directories). Generates various sorts of file system reports (to clipboard, file, and printer -- we're talking about one-click directory print-outs here). Export extended file informations of whole directories (or even directory trees) to CSV-formatted files. [new in 3.21] Column Width Auto-Adjustment. Highly customizable display formats for file size and date information. For each file and folder, the (real!) disk space used is immediately displayed. Remembers last folder location and sort order. Browser-like history functionality.

Features :
What makes XYplorer different from competitors?
XYplorer is a portable file manager. It doesn't require any installation, nor does it ever change your system or registry. Ideal for a USB drive.
Experience cutting-edge file management using a true multi-tabbed interface. If you like dual pane, you will love multi-tabs!
Need a better file search? XYplorer features a high-end search engine with tremendous power and truly amazing speed. It fully supports Boolean logic, Regular Expressions, content search, and more...
A tabbed info panel provides one-click previews of a large array of media types, incl. all important image, audio, video, web, office, and font file formats.
No other file manager offers a favorites panel that's nearly as powerful as XYplorer's Catalog.
And no other software offers a fully portable and easily configurable New Items menu. Major time saver!
Have it your way! XYplorer offers Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts for more than 300 functions.
XYplorer is continuously enhanced and updated. Client feedback is taken seriously, as can be witnessed in the User Forum.
A clean and user-friendly interface makes working with XYplorer simple and intuitive.

Changes in XYplorer 7.90.0250 (05-May-2009):
- Folder Thumbnails. Now, in Thumbnails view, folder icons optionally display a thumbnail of any file in the folder named "folder.jpg/png/gif", or of the first found *.jpg image.
- X close buttons on tabs. Now the tabs optionally show X close buttons.
- Scripting. Now the important control structures while loop and if/then/elseif/else block are supported.
- Scripting. The new "rotate" command brings lossless rotation of JPEG images to your home.
- Scripting. The new "tag" and "comment" commands join the powers of scripting and Tags & Comments.
- Performance. Lots of network related performance improvements.

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5 мая 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 517  Комментарии: 0  

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