Скачать бесплатно Avira AntiVir Premium final
Описание: Год выпуска: 2009 Версия: Разработчик: avira Платформа: 32/64 Совместимость с Vista: полная Системные требования: For Avira AntiVir Premium to work perfectly, the computer system must fulfil the following requirements: - Computer as from Pentium, at least 266 MHz - Operating system - Windows 2000, SP4 and update rollup 1 or - Windows XP, SP2 (32 or 64 Bit) or - Windows Vista (32 or 64 Bit, SP 1 recommended) Program interface displays may differ depending on the operating system. - At least 100 MB of free hard disk memory space (more if using Quarantine for temporary storage) - At least 192 MB RAM under Windows 2000/XP - At least 512 MB RAM under Windows Vista - For installation: Administrator rights - For all installations: Windows Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher Ключ на 90 дней: https://license.avira.com/en/promotion-hylm9fbv7chaxs8zbl83
Описание: Вирусы, черви, трояны и бесчисленные рекламные и шпионские программы (Ad-/Spyware) осложняют жизнь пользователям персональных компьютеров, а с недавнего времени еще и обладателям наладонных компьютеров и смартфонов. В наше время все важнее становится надежная защита. Avira AntiVir Premium дополняет возможности защитных систем версии Классик важными функциями, обеспечивающими повышенный уровень безопасности и комфорта, добавляя Вам уверенности при нахождении в сети.
> AntiVir stops all types of viruses > AntiAd/Spyware eliminates ad/spyware > AntiPhishing proactive protection against phising > AntiRootkit against hidden rootkit threats > AntiDrive-by prevents against downloading viruses when surfing > EmailScanner enhanced email protection > WebGuard protection against malicious websites > RescueSystem create a bootable rescue CD > QuickRemoval eliminate viruses at the push of a button NEW! > NetbookSupport for laptops with low resolution NEW! The new version number 9 should be reflected in all version numbers; however, there might still be some modules with other version numbers.
Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus, Avira AntiVir Premium and Avira Premium Security Suite
* Quarantine manager: the number of columns has been reduced * Quarantine manager: send files using HTTP * System tray tool: display the status of modules on mouse-over * Last system scan: individual configuration of the аlеrt message * Renaming "Win32 Heuristic" to "AHeAD" in the configuration panel * Support for netbooks (screen resolution) * Configuration panel: new button "Default Values". This button allows you to restore the configuration to the predefined default values * New installation folder and registry keys for all products: "C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop" and "HKLM\Software\Avira\AntiVir Desktop".Now there are no differences between the products AntiVir Personal, AntiVir Premium and Premium Security Suite any longer * Configuration wizard after setup * Process protection for GUI processes * File and folder protection for AntiVir files and folders * Registry protection for AntiVir keys * Scanning of locked files * Scanner: combined display of malware detections and one-click removal after an on demand scan. This option can be set in the scanner configuration * Scanner: improved system disinfection * Scanner: optimized scan on multi-processor machines * Guard: less overhead in memory * Scheduler: scheduling on multiple days of the week * Scheduler: manual starting and stopping of jobs
Avira AntiVir Premium und Avira Premium Security Suite
* MailGuard: you can set up the POP3 port individually * MailGuard: AntiSpam URL categorization * WebGuard: Webcat enhancements, more categories * WebGuard: active drive-by-download protection. WebGuard can now blocks "inline frames" or "iframes"
Avira Premium Security Suite
* WebGuard: Parental Control. Parental Control allows blocking certain internet site because their content is deemed unsuitable for children or adolescents. Parental control makes use of the Cobion – IBM online database. * Firewall: privileged application mode, enhanced control over application and adapter rules * Firewall: SlideUp window for firewall notifications * Firewall: Drag'n'drop for application and adapter rules * Firewall: list of trusted vendors * Firewall: automatic game mode
Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus
* Ad-/Spyware detection
New system requirements:
* Computer from Pentium 266 Mhz * Windows 2000 SP4 Service Rollup 1 - or * Windows XP SP2 (32 or 64 bit) - or * Windows Vista SP1 (32 or 64 bit) * Minimum 100 MB of free disk space * More disk space needed for quarantine and temporary storage * Minimum 192 MB RAM for Windows 2000 and Windows XP * Minimum 512 MB RAM for Windows Vista * Administrative rights are required for installation * Internet Explorer 6 or higher
Matthias Beck Avira GmbH
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Операционная система: Windows® 98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista Язык интерфейса: Английский Размер: 30 MB Лекарство: Присутствует
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