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Софт → Acoustica Mixcraft 4.2.104 Portable

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Acoustica Mixcraft 4.2.104 Portable

Mixcraft ™ Acoustica Mixcraft - многодорожечное звуковое программное обеспечение с большим колличеством эффектов (Переконверт, Задержка, Компрессор, Flanger и Хор), так же резонансные фильтры и мощной редактор дорожек. Высокая эффективность порадует вас, разгон 32 бита со студийным качеством, поддержка файлов WAV и даже импортируемых сжатых MP3, OGG, WMA файлов. Удобен для записи собственной музыки, к примеру, дорожек музыки или соединять разные файлы в один.

Mixcraft™ is a great multi-track audio recorder that enables you to record your band, create a podcast, create mash-ups or remix a song. Mixcraft functions as two programs in one! Use it as a multi-track recorder or as a music loop remix program. As a multi-track audio recording program, Mixcraft allows you to record and play multiple tracks at one time. Add effect processing such as reverb, delay, flanger or any 3rd party VST™ or DirectX™ effects. Mix down your recording to CD or MP3 directly in Mixcraft. No need to dust off your old four track recorder! As remix software, it supports Apple Loops™, Acid Loops™ and our own custom loop format. Mixcraft's Song Kits allow you to create your own song in dozens of styles to sing along or rap to. Creating your own loop or extracting a loop from a well known song is a few clicks away. With Mixcraft, you can always be on the beat! Even with all this power, Acoustica engineers have kept the design easy-to-use and clean.

Mixcraft™ 4 Main Features:
• Clear, colorful, and intelligently designed interface to streamline your work.
• Custom loop library includes hundreds of royalty-free sounds in dozens of musical styles.
• Works with Acid™ and Apple Garage Band™ loops.
• Record multiple MIDI and audio tracks simultaneously.
• Piano roll to view and edit MIDI.
• Includes a General MIDI library, two sampled grand pianos, Hammond B-3™ emulator, MiniMoog™ emulator and a polyphonic synthesizer.
• Includes 18 high quality effects.
• Create mega presets that layer and split multiple virtual synthesizers and effects.
• Add unlimited VSTi™ instruments, VST™ and DirectX™ effects.
• Mix down to MP3, WAV and other audio file types.
• Burn CDs of your mix with just one click.

Sound Engine:
• Wave (WDM), ASIO™ and Vista's WaveRT low latency audio support.
• MIDI input and output support. Will work with any USB MIDI keyboard or any keyboard connected to a MIDI interface.
• Support for VSTi ™ virtual instruments. Bundled virtual instruments include:
° MinimogueVA classic analog synthesizer recreation.
° VB3 Organ virtual tonewheel organ with rotary speaker emulator.
° Impulse polyphonic analog synthesizer.
° Acoustica Instruments, a large collection of high quality multi-sampled instruments organized in General MIDI format.
° Acoustica Grand Piano and Acoustica Classical Piano, ultra-professional 250 Megabyte quadruple-strike sampled grand pianos.
• 32 bit sound engine supports recording and playback of broadcast quality audio up to 192 kHz and 32 bits.
• Time stretch any sound from 25% to 400% with FlexAudio™ without affecting the pitch! No chipmunks!
• Pitch shift sounds from -24 to +12 semitones!
• Use an unlimited number of tracks and effects.
• Automatically detects beats points, keys and tempos of imported songs.
• Import WAV, AIF, OGG, WMA, and MP3 files!
• 18 powerful, built-in, effects including reverb, delay, EQ, compressor, flanger, chorus, distortion, auto filter, master limiter, phaser and a guitar amp simulator.
• Shape each sound's volume, pan and resonant filters with unlimited envelope points.
• Support for DirectX™ & VST™ effects, including plug-in delay compensation.

• Edit any sound to make a loop. Pick sections of prerecorded songs and extract and perfect loops for remixing. Adjust loop points to visual beat marks.
• Edit MIDI data in the piano roll editor. Perfect MIDI loops by adjusting the loop points. Edit notes and controller information.
• Create mega presets which combine multiple virtual instruments and effects. Set the key range, velocity sensitivity, transposition, pan and volume for each instrument.
• Load in standard MIDI files.
• Add your own photos or images to each track header.
• Edit each track's color, size and position in a variety of ways.
• Intuitive design and keyboard controls for quick work flow.
• Work in beats / measures mode or in time mode.
• Adjust the snap to grid setting which allows you to work and edit in whole notes, quarter notes, etc.
• Split, cut, copy, delete and paste sounds with ease.
• Easily move sounds around with drag and drop or via the keyboard.
• Cross fade sounds automatically by visually overlapping them.
• Create precise, custom loops extracted from existing songs.

System Requirements:
- Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, XP, or Vista.
- 512 MB Ram (2 GB RAM recommended).
- 1.0 Ghz CPU ( 2 Ghz Dual Core recommended).
- Sound card or sound device.
- Display resolution @ 800 x 600 (1024 x 768 or greater recommended).
- Optional MIDI keyboard.

Лекарство: не требуется
Size/Размер: 71.04 mb

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26 февраля 2009    Добавил: berry2008   Просмотров: 726  Комментарии: 0  

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