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NETSpeedBoost 6.0 Professional

NETSpeedBoost Professional - один из лучших оптимизаторов интернет соединения. При помощи данной программы вы сможете максимально оптимизировать работу своего Dial-Up, LAN, Cable, DSL и Satellite соединения в зависимости от установленной операционной системы Windows. Программа не разгоняет ваш канал - это миф, а позволяет использовать по максимуму ваше интернет соединение, тем самым уменьшается время загрузки страниц, фильмов, софта и музыки. Протестировав данную программу я (Ledworld) был приятно удивлен, в отличии от других программ данного сегмента - эта действительно работает.


After 7 years of research and development, feedback from thousand of loyal users, and continuous improvements and addition to our optimization techniques, we are proud to announce .NETSpeedBoost 6.0 Professional Edition! From the original author of the world's most popular internet accelerator - Intelli-Dial-UP, we are proud to announce the official successor - .NETSpeedBoost 6.0. .NETSpeedBoost is a powerful and easy to use self installing program for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, and Vista which optimizes your Internet connection speed by up to 1200% faster. When computers leave the factory, they are not set up to surf at the maximum speed. .NETSpeedBoost increases the performance of your computer by opening up the pipeline so that the information flows FASTER.

Core Features

* *Completely Rewritten and Enhanced from the Ground Up* Proven algorithms for optimizing Dial-Up, Lan, Cable, DSL, and Satellite connections up to 1200% faster (Algorithms are designed based on feedback by over 1,000,000 users of the software)
* *Completely New* Streamlined, Professional and Easy-to-use User Interface
* *Brand New* Expert Mode gives advanced users the ability to tweak in their own TCP/IP settings safely and easily
* Emergency settings backup file clustering for critical support
* *New* Online Technical Support Tool to help you get the most out of .NETSpeedBoost
* *New* Log File System for any type of Troubleshooting
* *Improved* Stay Online Applet
* *Enhanced* Program Logic Flow and Optimization
* *Enhanced* Improved - Error Handling Mode
* *Enhanced* New - Webpage Multi-Load Boosting Technology II
* *Enhanced* New - Added 6 Additional New Network Optimization Techniques - MaxNetwork Channel Optimization Routines
* *Enhanced* Crash-proof robust coding allows the software to perform flawlessly under any computers
* Designed and tested under Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP and Vista
* Fully compatible and tested with Windows Vista
* Unlimited Lifetime software update
* Unlimited Lifetime technical support

What are the benefits for using .NETSpeedBoost?

* .NETSpeedBoost automatically optimizes your internet connection for maximum speed and efficency
* .NETSpeedBoost speeds up your internet connection up to 1500% faster
* Webpages load a lot faster (instantaneously page loading!)
* Send and receive your emails much faster than before
* Experience quicker downloads of MP3s, Video/Movie files, graphics, software, and more.
* Experience super fast file transfer, online games, minimum pings, and other internet-related software!
* Online voice conversation and video camera interaction perform very well without connection interruption
* Works with all browsers and Internet Service Providers!
* Works with connection of all types
* Be the master and the smart! Boost up your internet connection today!


.NETSpeedBoost 6.0 Professional Incl Serials
1.60 Mb

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17 февраля 2009    Добавил: koseporius   Просмотров: 595  Комментарии: 0  

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