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Софт → Adobe Fireworks CS4 10.0 (Multilang)

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Adobe Fireworks CS4 10.0 (Multilang)

Adobe Fireworks CS4 - комплексное решение для создания и оптимизации изображений для Интернет и быстрого создания эскизов WEB-сайтов и WEB-приложений. Fireworks CS4 имеет возможность редактирования как векторной, так и растровой графики, содержит библиотеку готовых настроек и хорошо интегрирован с Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver и Flash Pro.

Программа предназначена для веб-дизайнеров и разработчиков, которым нужно быстро создавать, редактировать и оптимизировать изображения для веб-сайтов или мобильных устройств. В Adobe Fireworks имеется множество инструментов для рисования и редактирования векторных объектов и растровых изображений, а интерфейс программы очень похож на интерфейс обычного графического редактора.

Можно упаковать проект целого сайта в один файл PDF
- Fireworks CS4 позволяет сохранить прототипы, работа с которыми выполняется при помощи мыши, в качестве интерактивного файла PDF для упрощения сбора комментариев от рецензентов и демонстрации проектов.
Экспорт файлов Adobe PDF выполняется совершенно просто
- Создавайте высокоточные документы PDF на основе проектов Fireworks для улучшения взаимодействия с клиентами.
Превосходные дизайнерские инструменты
- Применяйте эффекты освещения и тени, стили и режимы смешения, включая семь новых режимов смешения Adobe Photoshop, для добавления глубины и характерных особенностей тексту и символам.

Adobe Fireworks CS4 - Rapidly prototype websites and application interfaces. Create and optimize images for the web more quickly and accurately than ever before with an enhanced toolset. Fireworks CS4 enables you to export a clickable prototype as an interactive PDF file, so you can easily collect comments from reviewers and demo your designs. Generate high-fidelity PDF documents from your Fireworks design comps to improve communication with your clients. Apply lighting and shadow effects, styles, and blend modes, including seven new Adobe Photoshop blend modes, to add depth and character to text and symbols.

Top New Features:
- Adobe AIR authoring - Create your Adobe AIR prototype directly within Adobe Fireworks, ready to be deployed to HTML and CSS, Adobe Flex, or SWF. Easily convert your click-through mock-up.
- PDF export - Generate high-fidelity, protected PDF documents from your Fireworks comps for client communication. Help safeguard your designs with password protection - separate passwords can be created for viewing and other tasks such as printing, copying, and commenting.
- Customizable and reusable assets - Jump-start your design process with the Common Library, a repository of graphic symbols, form elements, text symbols, and animations frequently used in web and software applications, interfaces, and websites. Expand your collection with your own custom symbols and styles for continued rapid design.
- Improved performance - Work faster and smarter with overall performance enhancements, from file opening and saving to symbol updates and intensive bitmap and vector operations.
- New user interface - Easily switch from other Adobe Creative Suite4 components - such as Adobe PhotoshopCS4, IllustratorCS4, and FlashCS4 Professional software - thanks to a universal user interface design.
- Enhanced type handling - Produce exceptional type designs with the enhanced typesetting capabilities of the Adobe text engine. Import or copy/paste double-byte characters from Illustrator (CS3 or CS4) and Photoshop (CS3 or CS4) without loss of fidelity. Float text inside a path for high-impact logos.
- CSS export - Design complete web pages in a robust graphic environment and then export standards-compliant, CSS-based layouts, complete with external style sheets, in one step. Integrate foreground and background graphics with new slice types.
- Styles panel upgrades - Work more efficiently with the enhanced Styles panel. With the click of an icon, choose between default Fireworks styles, current document styles, or styles from other libraries. Multiple style sets can easily be accessed.
- Workspace improvements - Quickly place Smart Guides on your canvas for swift, accurate positioning and measurement of guides and elements. Edit symbols in place for precise symbol refinement in context with the rest of your design.
- Adobe Kuler integration - Access the latest color themes from the Adobe Kuler web-hosted service right in Fireworks to sample and apply to your web designs. Craft color harmonies for your own use or to upload to Kuler.

System requirements (Windows):
- 1GHz or faster processor
- Microsoft Windows XP with SP2 (SP3 recommended) or Windows Vista Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with SP1 (certified for 32-bit Windows XP and Windows Vista)
- 512MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
- 1GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on flash-based storage devices)
- 1,024x768 display (1,280x800 recommended) with 16-bit video card
- DVD-ROM drive
- Broadband Internet connection required for online services

Язык интерфейса/Lang: Multilang
Размер/Size: 470 Mb
Keymaker CORE incl.

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Скачать с vip-file.com
Скачать с letitbit.net

Скачать частями:
| Части взаимозаменяемы |


part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5


part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5

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3 февраля 2009    Добавил: Lux   Просмотров: 803  Комментарии: 0  

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