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GodlyXP SP3 2008 gamer editions

Операционная система, максимально заточенная под игры. Хорошо идет для слабых компьютеров!

GodlyXP is a new type of variant, it’s completely different to all these gamer editions and speed editions, this my friends is in a league of it’s own, it’s neo-bone’s, basically it’s got all the crap Microsoft unneeded to add removed, as you can see it only needs around 20mb’s of ram to run unlike other OS’s in this community which require around 80mb’s or more! everything is still compatible and working, wireless internet works, games work, all media works! heck I even added a few drivers (feel free to remove those ) GodlyXP outperforms EVERY windows xp released, fact. and without loss of needed things, This was created by the masterful exploiter, Shaun (AKA Cloud/Godfromdfo) he (or I) has given everyone in the internet community (and real life) to share this 100% legit variant of Windows XP Professional SP3! (SP3, final build, by Microsoft of course!) There are a few things I disabled on purpose (which you can re-enable) such as automatic updates and such, simply go to services.msc and enable them if you want to, however there are no updates left t download.. GodlyXP is fully updated, Genuine, no Serial required (GodlyXP is legal only if you change the serial later.. which you don’t need to do, however it may be a good idea)I could write a list of things I removed and what tweaks have been done to the registry hives, however I feel no need to.
GodlyXP SP3 2008 gamer editions
Размер: 126 Mb

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11 сентября 2008    Добавил: slavan2000   Просмотров: 571  Комментарии: 0  

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