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VSO PhotoDVD - программа для создания анимированных слайдшоу для записи на DVD — очень проста в использовании и при этом обладающая широкими возможностями. Позволяет использовать для создания слайд-шоу файлы в наиболее популярных форматах - JPG, GIF, BMP, ANI, PCX, EMF, WMF и т.д., добавляя в качестве сопутствующего саундтрека файлы форматов MP3, WMA, OGG, MPC, WAV и APE. Имеется поддержка вывода данных в форматах FullScreen (4:3) и Widescreen (16:9).

A wizard style interface lets you define the folders or files where to select the pictures. You can define multiple lists of music files to play in the background, and add up to 3 channels of DVD subtiles. The transitions and animations of your pictures are completely automatic and will enhance the experience of sharing your best memories. Use focus points to highlight the details of your pictures, like the sparkling eyes of your new born baby. You can watch the results on a regular TV or computer using a DVD Player. This format uses the best quality available at the moment. A copy of your source files is stored in the DVD project and lets you keep trace of your digital pictures without quality loss using a computer.

Key Features:
* Support picture formats: JPG, GIF, BMP, ANI, PCX, EMF, WMF, and more...
* Support native RAW format : Canon RAW .CR2, Nikon .NEF, .DNG, Minolta and more...
* Supported audio formats for background music: MP3, WMA, OGG, MPC, WAV, APE
* Awesome pan and zoom effects
* Fullscreen (4:3) and Widescreen (16:9) output
* DVD output on DVD-R/RW and DVD+R/RW media (Single or Double Layer)
* Specify a focus point for each picture (highlighted by zoom techniques)
* Basic picture editing (rotation, black and white or color, etc.)
* Up to three subtitles tracks (for different languages)
* Up to three audio tracks for different background music
* Supports both PAL and NTSC formats
* Fast and highgrade MPEG2 encoder
* Universal DVD burning engine included
* Multilingual support (available languages...)
* Optimized for Windows XP and Windows Vista

Changes in PhotoDVD - - 26th of June 2008:
- 0001463: [Bug] inconsistence dans l'interface pas de popup dans le dialogue de selection de music (Fred)
- 0001937: [Feature Request] change wording in application (Fred)
- 0001931: [Bug] some pictures are loaded black (Fred)
- 0001954: [Feature Request] v2.9.6.0 ?eta: Bring back support for .aac files again (ConvertXtoDVD and CopyToDVD) were fixed already (Fred)
- 0001957: [Bug] add improper audio folder (Fred)

Homepage - http://www.vso-software.fr

Размер: 9.86 Mb

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10 августа 2008    Добавил: Garik015   Просмотров: 682  Комментарии: 0  

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